Let's Make it Rain

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                                                                                              Day 5

It has been officially five days, both Marcus and I have been pampered since the last encounter. We have had sponge baths, they have filed our nails, trimmed our hair, even brushing and flossing our teeth with dental instruments. We both still do not know our purpose here. The same group comes down daily to check on us, always stating that "it is almost time." Whatever that means, we both know it is not good for either of us. My asthma thankfully has not flared up since the last incident. Marcus has kept my mind at ease, he is so calm and collected even in the worse of situations, has not brought up the rape, has not acted like either of us were unclothed, he is the only thing keeping me calm. It has been calmer as the kids have left the house and have not returned. Marcus assumes they may have gone to school, but my confusion rises as they left yesterday and have not been heard since. Marcus has found that the tables can slide, so every couple minutes he slides his body to force the table to move closer to mine; he started this process about 2 hours ago after they had left, he is now about a foot away from me.

"Marcus?" I whisper his name.

"Yes?" He replies quietly.

"Do you think we will get out of here? Like do you think we will survive this? I am not ready to die Marcus, I do not want to die." I feel the loss of hope weigh heavy on my chest as I let out the soft cries of grief I had been holding on to so tightly.

"You listen to me right now. We are going to be fine; we are not going to die. I swear to you, we are getting out of this." He states.

My tear-filled eyes turn to his soft face as I watch his features turn from sympathetic to determined as he begins to rock his table closer yet again. I feel the warmth of his body as his table slides inches closer. It was not long after that I felt his finger tips barely skimming my wrist as I looked down to see his arm stretching out against the restricting arm straps. His wrist turns red from the movement as I move my eyes towards his face, I see his soft features and I cannot help but feel safe looking at him. He brings a sense of familiarity... of home to me, I can see the soft caring look in his eye as my dad used to stare at me when I had asthma flare ups as a kid. The protective glare he conjures when our captures come in, the same look my mom had towards the parents of my classmate who bullied me through middle school. The gentle touch he gave as he would rub my arm gently, reminded me so much of all the times I was sick or sad and my older brother would comfort me. He soothed me in all ways and I had never been more appreciative. I could feel the gentleness of him as he took care when trying to ease my mind. All my worries just seemed to fade into oblivion when he would try to distract me from my own wandering mind.

For hours now I have laid and just enjoy the silence around me as I watch a now peaceful sleeping Marcus, his features relax and weightless. I could not take my eyes off of him as I lay thinking about what may happen to us next. I could hear the gentle sounds of music coming from above, as well as the smell of food circling around us from above. My thoughts no longer my own but that of a stranger I did not know resided inside of me, thoughts of despair and loss. I could hear the steady beat change to that of the news station talking about my abduction yet again, but to my surprise the voices talk about getting new evidence and a few suspects that were being questioned. I almost felt a sliver of hope but it was instantly broken by a loud bombing laugh that startled Marcus from his peaceful slumber; finally tearing my eyes away from Marcus as his eyes shoot open, we both turn to look at the ceiling above us. My eyes flicker to Marcus as we hear the sound of pounding footsteps moving down the basement stairs towards us before the door opens.

Hank steps through the creaky door with the widest grin on his face, as he tries to keep himself from laughing out loud. "They talking about you butterfly. They must think they are gonna find you."

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