Welcome to Hell

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Day 3

The next day came all too quickly as I lay strapped tightly down, hoping that my nightmares would end soon, the man who was brought in last night has yet to awaken. I spend my time staring at him hoping he will wake soon and get us out. I take in his features, a well-built handsome black man, from his appearance I can assume he is very healthy, works out a lot, is tough yet gentle. His relaxed features are gorgeous as I imagine him awake, I can see his eyes of ocean blue swirl with kindness and serenity. His hair is clean shaved on the sides and curly on top, the only thing that concerns me is the blood coming from his hairline, he must have been hit super hard.

The house above is silent yet again as I imagine the night sky; the stars filling the sky and the bright full moon high above. As I lay dreaming of the outside world, I hear a sound next to me that pulls me from my own head. The man's head lulls from side to side as he slowly comes to, his eyes struggling to open as I hear him curse under his breath. He tries to bring his hand up but as his hand strains his eyes shoot open and look down towards his hand, I watch his eyes as he scans himself and slowly crosses the entire room till they land on me.

Suddenly he asks with determination in his eyes, "Who are you? Where are we? Are you okay?" If only he knew that I myself do not know anything.

"I am not sure where we are, I have been better.... I am Hayley. And you?"

"I am Marcus. What happened? Do you know how we got here?"

"I was driving home late and there were people in the road, they surrounded me and next thing I know I am here strapped down, I do not know anything more than you. Any chance you can get us out of here somehow?" Marcus' eyes are frozen, staring at me for a good minute of silence until his eyes move down my body quickly, then back to my face.

I stare back with hopeful eyes desperate for his response; his hands move as I watch him stare down at his bound hands, he seems to be studying the straps around his wrist and ankles. He looks back to me with a new look that has me rattled with curiosity, he looks doubtful but determined as he twists and turns his hands gently as if feeling for something.

"I think that the straps are not too sturdy, I think I can get out of them, but it will take time." His eyes are stern but kind as he looks towards me. At this moment I do not question his capabilities, but curiously question him.

"How do you know? I have been doing the same thing for the last two days and I have not done anything."

"I was in the army, fortunately we were trained to survive, or at least try in similar situations. I cannot promise anything, but I can try."

Hours passed as we spoke in quiet tones about what they wanted, what had happened and how we were going to get out. I had learned that he was married to his high school sweetheart in his senior year but after he came back from his shipment, he found his wife with another man. They had been trying for a baby before he left and thought that life was perfect, he wanted to be a science teacher, he drove a mini coop, and he had a dog, a golden doodle named Jessie he loved more than his own life. I also learned he was only four years older than me. To pass the time while he worked on the straps he tried to keep my mind from wandering to my stress filled daydreams. He talked about the most random things, he even succeeded in making me laugh at a horrible dad joke.

As he continued on for the next three hours the sun began to shine through the floorboards above. We both stilled with silence as sudden voices and creaks from above broke our hushed voices. My body filled with panic looking quickly to Marcus as he looked back at me, his eyes never leaving mine, I could hear the voices grow in numbers above us as the family began to come to life yet again.

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