Bloody Nightmares

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Day 7

I wake from what feels like the worst yet best sleep I have gotten in a while. That was a very intense dream, I woke with a slight sweat to me from just how real it felt. I feel so groggy, I look toward Marcus, only to find his table empty. I stare for a minute, confusion taking over. Suddenly realization hits much harder causing my entire body to tense. It was not a dream... so how am I back here and where is Marcus. My heart starts to race, pounding heavily against my chest. My head swings full force to look everywhere in the room. He is not here, maybe he got away. I feel the tears build, maybe he was caught and killed already. A tear escapes as my mind races. My hand automatically moves to wipe the lone tear as it falls to only find my hands restricted yet again. My mind whirls a mile a minute as panic rises turning my stomach into knots. I feel like I may vomit. I start tugging violently on the ropes desperately trying to free myself. As selfish as it is, I wish Marcus was here. I hear the locks on the door rattle startling me, before the door swings open; Mitchal steps in, closing the door behind him. He has a look on his face I cannot read. My heart sinks, he stands still watching me from the door way. Marcus... he is my only thought. I pray he got away. Mitchell steps closer, I still my movements completely, my entire body freezing; turning myself into a statue, hoping to become invisible to him.

"Your friend Marcus got away, but he will be found soon enough." Mitchell states, his tone unsettles me to my core. "As for you, I got you your medicine, and got you cleaned and warm."

I stare back not bothering to reply or show any emotion, I feel relief at hearing that Marcus got away.

"I am sorry though; Hank insists that you need to be punished for running. I feel you being here is punishment enough, but nobody else agrees with me, I am truly sorry, things are about to get much worse for you, Hank will be down to give you your punishment. I do not know what it is as the group decided to choose what it will be while I came down here to check on you." He looks truly remorseful, but my heart seems to stop beating in my chest at his words.

Mitchell stares at me a minute longer before turning and leaving me alone in the room again. As I watch him leave, I feel like the air in the room goes out with him, leaving me panting with no breath in sight. I know if Marcus was here, he would know how to handle this, but in the moment, I am left feeling like the world is spinning out of control around me. My vision blurs and suddenly with no warning air is filling my lungs again. I finally come to terms I may not ever leave this place; tears cascading down my cheeks as I sob heavily, I am sure anyone in the house above can hear my gut-wrenching cries. I have no words or thoughts in me at this moment, just sorrow and grief. I feel like the world has betrayed me, leaving me alone to my fate. While crying the door must have opened because I am startled from my sobs by Hank's face appearing over mine, a smile covering his face as he speaks with glee.

"Why are you crying like this butterfly, I have not even given you your punishment yet." He chuckles while looking up at his buddies who I see have joined us in the room.

"Alright we are going to do this the right way, Patty, my pal, we are going to get her ropes undone and move her to the barrel behind the shelf here, tie her to the bolts in the floor then leave the fun to me, Tye you might want to help him, she loves to make this fun for us. Ain't that right butterfly?" He moves around the room as he speaks before coming back to me to speak into my ear while moving my hair away to lick my ear lobe.

I feel sick not knowing what they are about to do, I can only imagine what is about to happen in my head. His two friends move to do as instructed, smiling at me from time to time. I avoid looking at any of them out of embarrassment from being naked. I feel disgusting as they both take hold of my upper arms and hands as they lift me off the table. I jerk my body to get loose from their grip but they do not seem to budge at all as I use my legs to catch myself on the shelf. Desperate to get away any means necessary. They just continue forward as if I am not even trying to fight them, only stopping to turn to Hank as if asking a question or permission of some kind.

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