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"Hi, you've reached the office of Dr. Stuart Price. Please note the office will be closed until the 24th. If this is an emergency, please try-"

"Hi, this is Dr. Stu Price. I'm getting married, so I will be out of the country for two weeks. I'm not sure if I'll have cell service. If this is a dental emergency, plea-"

"Nothing." The bride to be said as she hung up the unanswered call. She had a worried expression on her face, compared to how hopeful she had been the whole morning that her groom would be there in time.

Lauren, the bride effortlessly stunning, even without her wedding gown, sat next to Tracy, one of her bridesmaids and wife of her groom's best man.

They were sat across from Lauren's parents, who were the last people Lauren needed at this moment in time. Her dad, in particular, didn't care for Stu. So, the idea that he had blown off their big day out of fear was just fuel to his fire. He was muttering complaints in Thai to his wife.

"Daddy, please. You're not helping." Lauren urged him, still wanting to hold out her faith in Stu, the man she desperately wanted to call her husband.

"I looked into his eyes. Not the eyes of a man. The eyes of a coward."

His wife began to tell him off for speaking so poorly about his future son-in-law. Tracy, who was feeling awkward, felt her cellphone vibrate. The screen read the name she had been praying for.


"Excuse me." She politely whispered to the Srisai's, before stepping outside into the garden of the hotel and answering the call.


"Trace, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"Where the hell are you?" She spoke sternly, having to deal with Mr Srisai's complaints for the entire day before and that morning were enough to make her stress more than she had when this had happened at her own wedding.

Tracy heard Marley let out a heavy sigh on the other side of the phone, "It happened again."

"Don't say that. Please."

"No, this time we really fucked up."

She rolled her eyes, "Seriously? What is wrong with you four?"

"So much, Trace. I don't even know where to begin."

"Oh god, how bad?" The worry in Tracy was growing. She had never heard Marley talk like this. She was always on the positive side, having a careless attitude that would convince her that everything would be worked out. But now, she knew her sister-in-law was at a complete loss. "Like, no wedding bad?"

Marley sighed yet again, "Yeah...little worse than that."

Barbie in Bangkok (Phil Wenneck X Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now