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After finding their way back into the main city, Alan took them to what seemed to be a strip club. The building had a big sign above the doorway reading 'Siam Sam's'. Marley tried her best to remember being here the night before but nothing was coming to her.

"What do you think, Alan?" Phil asked him.

"This is the place." Alan stated, sounding to be very sure of himself.

Marley wasn't sure if a strip club of all places would be a good place for information but was very eager to have this day over with. With the monkey still sitting on her shoulder, she patted Alan's shoulder and began walking in. "Come on, let's go."

Despite it still being daylight hours, Siam Sam's was lively and blasting music so loud Marley could barely hear herself think. The lights were flashing brightly and every table had at least one dancer on it.

"I don't remember any of this!" Stu yelled over the music.

Marley nodded, "Yeah, Alan are you sure this is the place?"

"Yeah, pretty sure," He was walking through the crowd and bopping his head to the music.

As they were moving through, they heard a man's voice calling over to them. "Bros, finally!" They moved their gazes over to a man who was stood in front of the main stage. Strangely, he looked very similar to Eddie who they had met last year at the wedding chapel. He seemed to be the owner of the club. "Is he coming or what? I've been waiting all day for him."

"Uh, I'm sorry." Phil furrowed his brows, "Waiting for who?"

"Chow, that dick-ass-fuck."

Phil, Marley and Stu all exchanged looks, all three of them realising they could be in major trouble if this guy needed Chow.

He noticed their glances, "Why, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong!" Marley shouted out, nervously.

This satisfied him, "Okay, good. Look at this. Look what I bring for him." He pulled out something that was wrapped in a white cloth and placed it on the table before him. He unwrapped the cloth and underneath was a gun. "Check this out."

"No, no, no, no." Phil tried to wave him off, now panicked.

"$6000, American."

Alan had grabbed the gun and was holding it with a smile. "Wow, it looks so real!"

All of a sudden, Alan pulled the trigger. The gun must have been a repeater since multiple gunshots went off. Everyone in the building screamed in fear and tried to get cover from the shots. Phil had quickly pushed Marley down and was covering her head.

"Sorry. Um. Sorry!" Alan awkwardly called out to the now silent club.

"ALAN! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Phil yelled at the top of his voice, his hands now gripping Marley's arms tight. A sign to her that he was scared.

"It's okay! It's okay! The gun, very sensitive. Very sensitive." The club owner tried to reassure, "Everybody okay?" A few of the dancers spoke out some confirmation that they were all fine, so the club owner was back to bossing them around. "Okay. Now get the fuck back to work! Come on! Music, please!"

The music was turned back on and he was back to normal conversation as if nothing had happened. "Who has my $6000? You have it, sexy lady?"

Before Marley could answer, Phil was snapping back at him." Don't call her that, asshole. And that's Chow's deal. We got nothing to do with that."

He shook his head, "Un-fucking-believable, man, This guy, if he backs out again, this shit's gonna catch up to him. He's made a lot of enemies in this town and now they're gonna be  your enemies."

Barbie in Bangkok (Phil Wenneck X Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now