Ice Machine

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Alan opened the door as Marley, Phil and Stu carried Chow's body that they had wrapped in bedsheets. The hotel was strange, there was no roof above the main passageways between the rooms and the building looked rundown.

"This is the worst idea ever." Stu complained.

"What the fuck is this place?" Phil asked rhetorically.

"Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Its population is 12 million people." Alan started saying, making Marley and Stu turn their heads to see he was reading off his flashcards that he, for some reason, still had on him.

"Alan! Put the cards away and help!" Stu hissed. Alan then followed suit and was holding one side of Chow's lower half.

The four of them made their way to the elevator around the corner. Marley was already out of breath. She was shocked at how such a small man could be so heavy with four people carrying him.

"I'll get the button. I'll get the button." Alan jumped at the opportunity to ditch the task of carrying Chow.

From behind her, Marley could hear the monkey's chirps following them. As they had stopped their movements to wait on the elevator door to open, the monkey jumped onto Chow's body and then climbed up onto her shoulder, curling into the crook of her neck.

"What the fuck is up with this monkey?" Marley furrowed her brows. She did love animals, but the last thing she needed at the moment in time was a Capuchin monkey adding to her stress.

"He must like you." Alan said as he hit the elevator button again.

"Come on!" Stu yelled.

Phil quickly realised what was going on, "Oh, fuck. The power's out. We gotta take the stairs."

"Fuck!" Marley whined. She didn't like taking the stairs on the average day, never mind now when she was more hungover than she had ever been and carrying a body.

After what felt like hours, they had finally made it up the stairs to the 15th floor. At the top of the stairs was the metal ice box they had been looking for. They rushed over to it so they could stop carrying Chow's weight as quick as possible.

"Feet first! Feet first! I've done this before." Alan commanded, making Marley confused for a second but she didn't have time to dwell on it.

Stu pulled the doors open and they all pushed Chow's body inside. Once it was all in, Phil and Marley shut the doors on the box. They were all breathing heavily and sliding onto the floor to sit for a moment. The monkey was still clinging to Marley's shoulder as she sat with her back against the ice box, Phil sliding down next to her and grabbing her hand.

"Stu." Phil spoke through his jagged breathing. "We still have to find Teddy."

"Oh, god." Stu hung his head down. Marley was finally catching her breath as she looked at him.

Suddenly, he had a look on his face that said he had thought of something. He looked between Phil and Marley to see if they were thinking the same as him.

"The roof!" He shouted.

Marley nodded. Teddy had to be on the roof, where else? They all jumped up and ran up the rest of the stairs. The door to the roof was not locked, thankfully. Stu pushed the doors open and ran onto the roof, shouting Teddy's name.

Phil, Marley and Alan were all also shouting his name and running across the roof like crazy. The roof of the hotel was not as big as the Caesar's Palace roof where they had found Doug, so it didn't take to long to see that Teddy was nowhere to be found.

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