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Off to the side of the rooftop, there was a staircase leading down to other parts of the hotel's restaurant. Alan and Stu both sat on the steps in complete silence as Phil leaned against the wall and Marley began calling Tracy. After only a few rings, the phone was answered with a familiar worried voice on the other end.


"Trace, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." Marley spoke into the phone, her breath heavy and eyebrows knitted together.

"Where the hell are you?"

She sighed, "It happened again."

"Don't say that. Please."

"No, this time we really fucked up." She didn't even know how she would explain it to Tracy. She wasn't sure if she should tell her Teddy was missing in case she alerted the Srisai's. After all, she wasn't sure what Stu wanted to tell them.

"Seriously? What is wrong with you four?" Tracy sounded frustrated, understandably so.

"So much, Trace. I don't even know where to begin."

"Oh god, how bad? Like no wedding bad?"

Marley felt tears forming in her eyes as she let out another heavy sigh, "Yeah...little worse than that." She turned around to see the view of the city of Bangkok. Her stomach dropped at the thought of poor Teddy being stuck somewhere on his own, or maybe something even worse.

She turned back around and continued to talk to Tracy. "I don't even know what to tell you I know it's asking a lot but, is there any way you could hold down the fort for an hour and we'll explain everything in person?"

Tracy let out a heavy breath and Marley couldn't help but feel sympathetic toward her, seeing as she had experienced the same thing Lauren was experiencing and also had to deal with the short temper of Mr. Srisai. "Yeah. Of course. Please just be back soon. Lauren is really worried and her dad isn't helping at all."

"I'm sorry, Trace. I'll see you soon."

With that, Marley hung up. She was barely able to keep it together at that moment. But, she wanted to be there for Stu, her best friend, who she knew was feeling even worse than she was.

"Tracy's going to hold the fort until we get back. I think we all just need to take a minute." Marley spoke to the guys, "Let's find a café for something. We haven't ate or drank anything in too long."

There was no words out of the other three. Just blank expressions as they stood up and began making their way out of the hotel.


After a short walk, they found an outdoor café by the river. Marley, Phil and Stu all ordered Diet Coke's and Alan went for an ice cream cone. After noticing a Pac-Man arcade game across from their table, Alan made a bee-line towards it.

Even though Marley said they should just go back and tell everyone the truth about what happened, Phil was still coming up with suggestions for what they should tell them instead.

"Okay, how about this? He fell off the fishing boat and drowned."

Stu paused for a moment in thought, "No."

"Okay...I got." Phil nodded, "Teddy was hit by a truck." He looked over to the Pac-Man machine, "Alan!"

"Not a good time, Phil, kinda busy!"

"How many people get run over here?" Phil asked him.

Alan turned over his shoulder briefly before returning his attention to the game, "Over 1,200 a year, Phil."

Barbie in Bangkok (Phil Wenneck X Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now