Mile High

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The days flew by and before Marley knew it, she and Phil were headed to the airport to travel to Bangkok, Thailand. Their flight wasn't until 3:15pm, so thankfully, she wasn't as stressed as she normally was when travelling. They met up with Doug, Tracy, Stu and Alan at the airport's front entrance. While the majority of them were In casual, comfortable clothes for the journey, Alan was dressed in a fancy coat, pants and ascot. To add to this look, he was smoking out of an old fashioned pipe.

"Lookin' good, Alan." Marley grinned.

"I know." He smiled and nodded back to her.

They all made their way into the airport and seen their flight was on time. Stu was looking in all directions, seeking out something and Marley wasn't sure what. Until she seen a young boy walking towards them.

"There he is!" Stu exclaimed.

The boy looked to him with a smile, "Hey, Stu!"

"Teddy!" Both of them hugged, "What's up? How are you?"

"Who's this guy, Stu?" Alan asked, staring Teddy down with a confused look on his face.

"This is Teddy. Lauren's little brother. Goes to Stanford, Pre-med." Stu explained, "This is Phil, Marley, Tracy, Alan and Doug."

Doug reached out and shook his hand, "Nice to meet you, man."

"Wow. Stanford?" Marley said, surprised at the thought of Teddy being in college despite the fact he looked like a teenager. "How old are you?"

"He's 17." Stu answered, "Kind of a genius."

"Actually, I'm sixteen." Teddy smiled, "But, I'm not a genius. My dad just had me take the entrance exams early."

"Because you're a genius," Stu assured him, making him smile and lower his head.

He seemed like a good kid, not wanting to boast about his academic achievement. And if he was anything like his sister, Lauren, he was bound to be a lovely person.

"So, what are you, a doctor?" Alan asked, in a tone that seemed quite judgemental.

"No. Not yet, I'm pre-med." Teddy said.

"Ever heard of that guy Doogie Howser? He turned out to be a gay."

"Alan." Tracy calmly spoke to him, trying to get him to stop.

"It's true. I read it in Teen People."

Teddy looked visibly uncomfortable, "Right. Okay, well I'm gonna grab a book or something for the plane. You guys want anything?"

"No thanks, we're all good." Marley smiled at him, hoping he would know they weren't all like Alan.

"I would actually love a Smart Water." Stu said. Teddy nodded to him and walked towards one of the stores in the airport. Once he was out of earshot, Stu turned to Alan, "What's the matter with you? He's sixteen years old."

Tracy nodded, "Yeah, maybe take it easy. Okay?"

"Well, I'm a little confused." Alan began, "Is he here just to see us off, or what? How does this work?"

"How does what work?" Doug questioned, completely dumbfounded at Alan's questioning.

"Is that person coming to the wedding?"

Stu sighed in disbelief, "Yes, Alan. My bride's little brother is coming to the wedding. Is that okay with you?"

Alan shrugged it off, putting his sunglasses on. "Oh. It's just the first time I've heard of it. You could've paged me." With that, he strutted away to find a seat.

Barbie in Bangkok (Phil Wenneck X Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now