The Invite

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The four of them were greeted at the front door of the Garner home by Sid, who welcomed them all kindly. Doug told him they were there to personally invite Alan to Stu's wedding and Sid looked like the biggest weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He ushered them in and lead them to Alan's bedroom.

"Guys, I can't tell you how much this means. Alan's been waiting for the invite ever since he got wind of the wedding."

"I'm sure he has." Stu said.

"Yeah," Sid continued, "He's been standing outside by the mailbox everyday."

"Wow. That's rough." Phil added, Marley looked at him and she could tell he just wanted to get this over with.

They made it to Alan's door and Sid turned to them, speaking in a hushed tone. "I- uh, I'm not quire sure he ever left Vegas, you know? He needs this."

Marley nodded at him and exchanged a look of worry with Doug. Sid knocked on the door and after a few moments, a voice shouted from inside.


"Sweetie, it's Papa." Sid spoke, "You have visitors." He turned back to the group and spoke quietly again, "Go in slowly, give him a chance to acclimate."

Alan opened his door, the irritated expression on his face quickly changed to one of excitement when he seen who was on the other side of the door.

"Hey, Alan!" Doug greeted with a wide smile.

"Hey, guys." Alan said, eyes glancing to Phil, his very obvious man crush showing. "Hey, Phil."

"Hey, bud." Phil responded, smiling at him.

Alan was trying to act cool, not expecting the people he considered his best friends to be showing up in his home. "Y-you guys wanna come in?"

"Yeah, sure." It was Marley's turn to smile at him, following Doug through the doorway to Alan's bedroom. He gave Doug a pat on the shoulder, then raised his hand for Marley to give him a high-five, which she accepted. Phil, was given a hug and Stu just a light pat on the back.

"Okay. See you on the court in half-" Sid's sentence was cut off by Alan slamming the door on him, not caring about whatever his own dad had to say at that moment in time.

His bedroom was what a teenage boy's room would look like, but extreme. Posters were covering the wall above his bed, action figures were carefully lined up on shelves. "Pretty cool room, Alan." Phil had said, gazing at the posters that were stuck on the roof.

"Thanks, Phil. My dad pays my rent."

Marley was still wearing a kind smile on her face, until she looked over to the further side of the room, were Alan's desk and computer were. Covering the walls of that side were printed pictures. The very same pictures they had taken that fateful night in Vegas.

"Alan! What the fuck?" Marley exclaimed as she moved closer to the pictures.

Doug and the rest of the guys noticed what she was looking at and followed her over. "We were supposed to delete these!" Doug stared to look at the pictures, "You made a promise!"

"Woah! What the hell?" Stu, who had finally caught on, was shaking his head, "I'm not cool with this at all. You can't have these!"

Phil, on the other hand, was chuckling and gazing at all the pictures with a wide grin on his face.

"Chillax, Stu!" Alan was laughing along with Phil, "Nobody ever comes in here."

Marley looked the wall opposite Alan's desk, to see more of the pictures, one being the one of her flashing Phil, her boobs fully visible in the picture.

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