Bachelor Brunch

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If Phil had to tell you what he loved the most, he'd say his girlfriend. If he had to tell you what he hated the most, he'd say the dentist... and not being with his girlfriend.

A visit to the dentist was the bane of his existence. He hadn't been since right before he went to Vegas, and was planning on keeping it that way. But, both Marley and Stu wouldn't have it. They would go on and on about how unhealthy it was for him. Anytime Marley called him out on it, he would respond with...

"Are you saying my teeth aren't pretty? Are you saying I'm not pretty?"

The first time, she giggled at how he would pout and told him how pretty he was. But for every time after that, she didn't buckle as easily.

After a whole lot of persuasion from Stu and Marley telling him she'd find him even sexier after just a check up, he called Stu and got himself in a week before the wedding.

It wasn't until he was sat in that stupid, uncomfortable chair that he regretted the decision. Stu had the bright light shining directly at his face and was poking about in his mouth.

His friend had a look of concentration on his face, brows furrowed together and lips in a tight line. That same face Phil always saw when he was checking his teeth. He couldn't lie, Stu was great at his job and worked hard to get to where he was today. But, it wasn't something he'd say out loud, at least, not without a rude joke to completely ruin it.

"You really need to floss more." Stu told him.

"Fuck that!" Phil snapped back as Stu finally turned off the light, and hit the button to make the chair go upright. "That's why I come here."

"Then you should come more than once every two years."

Phil tried not to laugh at his friend, "Why? So you can bleed me of all my money?"

"I never charge you a dime, Phil." Stu stated, bluntly. He was right. He never charged him, or Marley, Doug, or even Tracy. He didn't even charge Stephanie when Phil was married to her. When Phil found out she had cheated on him, he tried his best to get Stu to charge her for every single appointment she had been to, but no success.

Phil looked over to his left and spotted the Nitrous oxide mask, completely in his reach. Without hesitation, he grabbed it and tried to find a button of some sort to turn it on, "Hey, how do I work the Nitrous?"

"Uh, you don't, actually." Stu quipped back.

"Oh, come on! Just one hit!"

Stu ignored him and brought his attention away from the paperwork he was filling out. "Fillings look pretty good." He had rolled his chair back to face Phil, who was putting the laughing gas mask back, "Any other problems?"

"Yeah, actually. You're getting married in Thailand." Phil pointed out, ready to voice his concerns, "For starters, that's flights for me and Marley. That's two grand right there. And even though she offered to pay for hers, I just couldn't let her, because I'm too fucking nice. Plus, it takes five days to get there."

"It's a 16-hour flight," Stu tried to reason, "And it's beautiful when you get there."

"Whatever, it's a hassle." He shrugged.

"It is kinda far." Stu nodded, "Lauren's been there a week and she's still jet-lagged. But it's where her parents are from and it means a lot to them."

Phil rolled his eyes and went to stand up, "Who gives a shit about her parents? Her dad hates you."

"He doesn't hate me." Stu tried to convince Phil, but it sounded as if he was trying to convince himself, "He's just never spoken to me. I think it's a cultural thing."

Barbie in Bangkok (Phil Wenneck X Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now