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Chimney and Maddie came to pick up Jee at 11am. I hear a knock on the door. I place Jee in her play area and go to open the door. Maddie smiles as she gives me a hug. Chimney and Maddie come inside and Maddie goes right to Jee.

" I hope she wasn't any trouble" Chimney said

" She was a delight like always." I said

" We coloured, watch some bluey, had some good yogurt. It was a blast " I said

" Ill see you soon Jee" I said as I gave her a light hug

" Ill see you tommrow at work" Chimney said

" See ya. Have a great day" I said

I picked my phone up and texted Ethan.


Hey, Just wondering if you are free for a drink today? I can invite Eddie


I placed my phone down and went into the kitchen to grab some water. I hear my phone buzz an I tap the block screen. It was Ethan


Yea I am free this afternoon. Wanna go to that bar that is a block down from the gym? Yes invite Eddie. I miss him too. How's a your sound

I texted Eddie


Hey, If you are free today do you wanna grab. drink with Ethan and I? He's in town for a few days and wants to see us


Eddie replies fast.


Yeah! Christopher is still at a friends so im still free for two hours before I pick him up


We are gonna meet at the bar that's a block from the gym. See you in a hour

I get a phone call from Tommy. I pick up the call and put my phone on speaker again.

" hey cutie " Tommy says

" hey hun " I said

" what's up? tommy asks

" about to go get a drink with Eddie and a old gym buddy of ours. " I said

" how about you? I asked

" just thinking about you. I have this training to do soon. I umm was calling to ask you if you wanted to be my date to an award ceremony in three days. " Tommy asks

" I'd love to be your date. It's the hero's awards isn't? Bobby and Hen were talking about it " I asked

" that exact one. I think Bobby is getting an award. I saw his name on something " Tommy asks

" I'd love to come with you. " I said

" I can't wait. " Tommy says

" I umm I'm thinking of coming out to the rest of the 118 tomorrow when I see everyone " I said

A pause was over the phone.i could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

" you know you don't have to tell people if you don't want to" Tommy says after a while

" I know. I wanna " I said

" I'm proud of you Evan" Tommy said

I couldn't help but smile again.

" I still think you are adorable Even " Tommy adds.

" you're adorable too" I said

I quickly changed into shorts, a tshirt and my converse. Grabbing my keys I left the loft and went to met Eddie and Ethan at the bar. The sun was blistering hot after I parked the car in the car park and started walking the few minutes to the bar.

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