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After sitting in the car for a moment Tommy and I got out and headed to the lobby. Walking in the doors we see Hen standing by the counter.  We go up and I give Hen a hug.

" they are with us " Hen tells the lady at the desk

" good. I just need both of you to sign the visitor log and you are all set " the lady says

Tommy and I walk over and sign our names. We then follow Hen to where Bobby's room was. Meeting up with Eddie and Chimney who were already outside.

" how is Athena doing?" I ask hen

" she is ok. She's in her own room right now. I just checked on her. " Hen says

" cap. How is he ? Any update ?" I ask

" nurse told us that he may already be gone. " chimney says

" what what happened?" Tommy asks

" fire at their house. Fire is out out now. I already texted May and Harry. Both of them are on their way. Should be here tommrow morning. " Hen says

" shit I feel so bad " Eddie says

All of us took a seat outside Bobby's room. I could feel my heart racing again. I took some deep breaths to help.

This is just what we need to go over the edge my mind told me.

I tried to block out the voices. I reach over and took Tommy's hand. What felt like hours later Athena came in the doorway in a wheelchair with a nurse.

" press the button in Bobby's room when you wanna leave and I'll come back and get you. No rush. I'm so sorry" the nurse says

" thank you" Athena says

The nurse left and all of us got over and went over to Athena.

" I'm fine guys. How's Bobby" Athena asks

" not looking good " Hen says

" hen can you open his door please " Athena asks

" of course " hen says

Once Athena was in the room we all sat back down.

" wow the last time I felt this nervous was when you were struck by lightning " Chimney tells me

" he'll be ok he has to be ok " I said

" I'm sure he will be ok. He probably just breathed in a lot of smoke " Eddie says

" I'll be right back " I said

I got up and left that area of the hospital. I walked and went into the bathroom. No one was in the bathroom at that time so I patted some water on my face with a paper towel. I hear the door open.

" Evan! Are you in here?" Tommy called

" yeah" I said

I hear foot steps and the door closing behind Tommy.

" hey you okay?" You've been gone a while " Tommy asks

" I- I can't do this. I thought I could but I can't. " I said

" hey, we don't have to stay. We can leave and come back tomorrow " Tommy says

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