[1] The Summoning

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The early spring wind whirled around outside, stars shining in the moonlit night. I closed my curtains and headed for my desk, Where I had just finished a drawing of Alastor - a popular demon from hell - in my sketchbook.

I left the sketchbook open in the middle of the desk as I went to grab a few things from all around my room, frantically searching on every shelf and in every drawer to find the items I need.

I hurried back to my desk and placed the items down on the grey surface. I then placed two candles either top corner of the sketchbook, 6 crystals around the sides, a few cutout cursed Alastor cats and a few pentagrams hung from my shelf above.
I grabbed a pink match from the glass jar on my windowsill and lit both candles - a black and a red candle, to match the infamous colours Alastor dresses in.

Suddenly my ringtone went off, making me jump. I turned around from my desk and went over to see who was calling me. Picking up my phone from my bed, I noticed that the contact name read 'Astro' and almost immediately accepted the call.

Me and Astro have known each other since year 1 in school - we've been basically inseparable ever since. We prioritise each other and our friendship over most other things, If I could choose anyone to be by my side platonically for the rest of eternity then it'd be them.

"Hello?" The speaker on the other end of the phone spoke, voice cracking half-way through.
"Hellooo" I said back in a happy tone, dragging out the 'o' sound.

After catching up for a few minutes - not that there was much to catch up on anyway - I looked over to my small shrine of Alastor. "Omg! Astro I have to show you this..." I turned on my phone camera and pointed it towards my desk.
"What- is that a shrine of Alastor?!" They spoke in disbelief, trying not to giggle but failing miserably.
"Yep!! I should add more to it hmm.."
"It's almost like you're trying to summon Alastor himself!" Both of us shared an interest in the so-called radio demon, my obsessed slightly straying a little bit further than Astro's though - They still have their anime husbands.

I grabbed my tablet, connected it to a speaker and played some music next to the shrine. Of course the songs were by Alastor himself - there is a whole show he is featured in, you know!
I turned around and thought for a second "I need to make an offering!" I could hear a laugh from the other end of the phone and went straight to my bedside table, grabbing my cash card out the top drawer along with a shopping voucher and money notes.

I walked back to my desk to place down my 'offerings'
Of course, this was all just a silly joke. I'm not seriously a witch or anything.

Me and Astro talked for a few hours before deciding to head to bed, I have work tomorrow after all.
I walked over to the shrine, staring at it. Maybe I was a little old for this? I am 19... whatever, it's not like it's harming anyone?
Goodnight Alastor.. I blew the candles out, had a warm bath and then went to sleep (and talked in voice recordings to Astro until late).

Friday 13th
It's been a week since then. I haven't added anything more to the shrine as well.
Maybe i'll light the candles again tonight, just for fun? Would also make the room smell nice I guess, so yeah.

The wind blew my hair out my face as I walked to my house, having just finished work. I got a new job recently as a waiter, sometimes it gets tricky.. especially when there are rude customers but overall it isn't too bad. Streetlights illuminated the path under the starry blanket of night as I turned a corner on to my own street.
I was halfway down my street when I suddenly stopped in my tracks and slightly jumped as a cat ran across in from of me, It's bright yellow eyes piercing through the darkness. It ran across the street to the opposite side and settled on a brick wall before the house owners welcomed the feline inside. I assumed they were it's owner's by the way they called her.

Just as the lady closed her door the cat turned around, (E/C) meeting curious pale yellow as the door slammed shut.

I got home and after getting changed I cooked some dinner. I grabbed some things out the freezer and cooked it, I wasn't the best cook but at least it's somewhat okay.

By the time i'd finished, it was already 11:00 so I made my way upstairs.
I lit the candles of my shrine again, I didn't know why I hadn't disbanded the shrine yet. Oh well, it doesn't matter. It's just some candles, crystals, pentagrams, drawings, and offerings... it's not like he actually would just appear right in my own bedroom! That would be silly.

I got up from my desk and made my way out of my bedroom, into the hallway. I made a left turn into the bathroom, flawlessly shiny tiles plastering the floor, everything looked freshly cleaned and polished. I then grabbed my (F/C) toothbrush, brushing my teeth for two minutes.

I stepped out onto the pale carpet in the hallway, something felt... off. I brushed it off, I'm probably just tired.


I stood in my doorway, both terror and shock pulling eyes wide and mouth agape.
There he stood, 7ft tall, staring with a wide smile at my shrine.
His neck was bent, my ceiling not being high enough to accommodate his extreme height. He suddenly snapped his head to the side, Ruby thorns of burning fire stabbed at my heart as I stared back - frozen in my place.

What is this? Huh? Alastor? In my bedroom? He's supposed to be in hell! What have I done.. am I gonna die? Probably gonna die. Yeah definitely gonna die.

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