15: I Promise

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3rd POV

Mark's school days dragged on and on.. One miserable day followed by another, and another after that. None of the threats seemed to lighten at all really. People only got angrier at him, for something he hadn't even done, and they wouldn't let anyone convince them otherwise.

And day after day, Mark visited Jackson after school, telling him that school was just fine, that everything was okay. If there was one thing that Jackson didn't need to do, that was to worry, so Mark decided to keep his recent issues at school a secret from his boyfriend.

Well, at least he tried to. Problems arose with that plan once the weekend arrived. The weekend was when all their friends decided to stop by to pay a visit to Jackson. It was nice, really, since Jackson hadn't really talked them since before the accident. They'd known about the accident and visited him the first day it'd occurred, but Jackson had been barely conscious then. So they definitely took advantage of this much needed time to catch up.

Everyone came, all of Jackson's friends and all of Mark's too. The hospital room was basically full of young, good looking males, much to the female nurse's appeal.

The guys all chatted happily with Jackson. They talked about how everything had been, his health and all. But when the topic of school arose, all eyes went to Mark. "Well school.." Jaebum began, "School's been very.. well... different without you, to say the very least. Especially for Mark. But I'm sure he's told you about all that," Jaebum continued with a little nod.

Jackson's head turned to Mark. According to what he'd been told, everything at school was just fine and Mark was completely okay, other than missing his hospitalized boyfriend throughout the school day. He hadn't been told of anything.. abnormal.

"What's he talking about baby?" Jackson asked with curious and slightly worried eyes as he tried to meet Mark's eyes. But Mark kept his eyes down, quickly shaking his head.

"N-nothing.. Nothing important, don't worry about it," Mark reasoned softly. But it was Jackson's turn to shake his head.

"Well it's too late now because I'm already worried, now come here and tell me what's going on," Jackson said in a firm tone, the one that he knew Mark would not disobey.

"We're all going to go get some lunch and let you two sort this out, we'll be back in a little while," Jaebum informed Mark and Jackson before he led the rest of the guys out of the room, the door closing behind them with a soft thump.

Mark slowly made his way towards Jackson's bedside. He felt guilty for not having told Jackson before, he knew that his boyfriend didn't like it when he kept things from him. But he just didn't want Jackson to worry, and he still didn't. If he could've avoided telling him, he would. But now that Jackson knew something was wrong, he wouldn't give up until he found out what it was.

Mark sat wearily at Jackson's bedside, letting out a soft sigh as he rest his head on the palms of his hands. Jackson could tell that Mark was getting a little anxious about telling him whatever it was, he didn't like for his lover to be uncomfortable like that. "Baby, you can tell me.. You know that I'm here for you," Jackson comforted the other gently, lightly caressing his hair.

Mark took in a breath before he began to explain. "Well you see.. S-school had been a l-little different," He began quietly. "It's just that they seem to have misunderstood y-your accident.. They all th-think that I p-pushed you into th-the street a-and they all h-hate me.." Mark mumbled softly, but audibly, between little sniffles. "They l-leave horrid notes in m-my locker a-and they t-trip me or knock my b-books out of my h-hands.. Or they p-push me out of my ch-chair and spill my f-food all over me.. I j-just can't do this a-anymore.." He explained, sniffles becoming more audible as he spoke.

Mark had really let everything that everyone was saying about him get to him. To their faces he'd shown no emotion, but honestly everything was just building up inside of him, soon to crumble and tumble down like snow in an avalanche..

A tear slipped down Mark's cheek, and then another, and another after that.. He couldn't help it.

Seeing his lover so upset, so distraught.. It hurt Jackson immensely. He hated that Mark had been dealing with all of this all by himself, without anyone by his side to protect him. That Mark had been suffering, basically, with no escape. "Oh my god baby.. Why didn't you tell me sooner, why wouldn't you tell me about something so serious..." Jackson whispered as he tilted up Mark's head, wiping his tears as they fell. He lightly cupped his boyfriend's cheeks, meeting his eyes.

"B-because I d-didn't want you to w-worry.. You shouldn't have to w-worry about m-me.." Mark said quietly as he wiped his reddened nose lightly. Jackson shook his head at his boyfriend's words, strongly disagreeing with them.

"Mark I don't care if I'm in the hospital or not, I always want you to come to me with things like this. I care about you, and I want to be here for you with open arms to help you through things like this. Don't you worry about me, okay?" Jackson told Mark sincerely as he lightly caressed his cheeks. Mark nodded his head lightly, knowing that Jackson was right.

"Maybe I should go back into school early than, see if I can get out of this hospital so that I can go with you?" Jackson suggested, but Mark shook his head.

"The nurses said there's no way you're getting out of this hospital for at least a month, Jackson. And you definitely wouldn't be able to walk around," Mark said as he leaned lightly into his lover's hold. Jackson let out a soft sigh and nodded shortly. Mark was right about that. "I-I have another idea.. I'm not sure if y-you'd like it though.." Mark continued softly as he lightly closed his eyes.

"Hmm and what is this idea of yours?" Jackson asked with a slightly raised brow.

"Well I was thinking maybe I could take the rest of this semester's classes online.. You know, until you get better. It'd give me more time to spend with you while you're here, so that I could take care of you and hopefully get you out of here faster, and it'd get me away from our school a little while," Mark suggested as he opened his eyes. He didn't know how Jackson would take to the idea, maybe not well at all.

"Well.. I don't know Mark. Just until the semester's over? I mean I suppose I'll be back by next semester.. It makes sense actually. It fixes everything, makes everything a lot easier," Jackson said as he contemplated the thought, nodding. "It's a perfect idea, love. But you have to promise me that you'll actually work on your online classes and not just save it all for the last minute," He said with a playful grin. Mark nodded his head eagerly.

"I promise I will, I promise," Mark said with a little smile forming on his pink lips.

"And you have to make me one more promise," Jackson said with a playfully stern look on his face. "Since you'll be here with me a lot more, I expect at least double the kisses I'd usually get when you visit," Jackson stated simply with a content grin.

Mark released a little giggle and nodded his head. "I promise that too," He said with a cheeky smile on his face.

"And that starts.. Now." Jackson said before Mark's lips were attacked with countless kisses, as Mark giggled happily against his lover's lips.

I'm tired af rn
I had like an allergic reaction to something today and my arm was all red and I got all scared and crap like I hate everything.
; n ;

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