6: Jackson's Feelings

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It had been odd between the two boys since that day. Jackson had been acting.. Well odd to say the very least.

Mark couldn't seem to put his finger on what it was really, it wasn't that Jackson wanted attention, because he made it very obvious when that was the problem.

It was like he was constantly thinking, and he was thinking about something that bothered him apparently.

It frustrated Mark that Jackson wouldn't tell him what was wrong, they were best friends after all.

But what he didn't know was that he'd soon find out the reasoning behind his friend's odd behavior.

It was Sunday evening, a lovely time for the two boys to relax before they'd have to go to school the next day. They had both settled themselves on Jackson's couch to watch something or other, which was how they spent quite a bit of time on these particular Sunday evenings.

Jackson seemed distant lately, and it bothered Mark. There were less times when he could play with his hair, have him lying in his lap, and it made the smaller boy sad. In fact, at the moment Jackson was currently sitting all the way at the other side of the couch, which was much too far for Mark's liking.

So the small boy decided to do something about it, and he leaned over, resting his own head on Jackson's lap comfortably, his eyes still pointed at the TV screen though in reality he was barely paying attention to it.

Feeling the small red head of hair move to his lap, Jackson let out a sigh. 'I have to tell him..' The taller man thought to himself. 'I just have to.'

"Markie.. ~" Jackson cooed softly. "Taking you on that double date was a mistake, I'm sorry.." He said with a small frown as he looked down to the boy, who looked up to him, tapping his friend's frown.

"It wasn't a bad idea Jackson, it was fun, I'm glad you made me go," the redhead said with a smile, triggering another sigh from Jackson.

"I- I mean it was a mistake for me to even think to set that up... I thought it'd distract me but it didn't work.. It just won't work..." The younger male said, his frown persisting. Now Mark was concerned.

"Distract you from what Jackson?" He said, tilting his head slightly.

"From you Mark.. Distract me from you... I thought seeing you with some girl, happy, would stop all of this but it didn't.. It just hurt..." He said, almost frantically, as if his thoughts were all jumbled and he could barely put them to words.

"Stop all of what Jackson? What are you talking about?" Mark said, utterly confused as to what his best friend was talking about.

"These feelings, these feelings I have for you Mark! I can't get rid of them and I don't know what to do, seeing you with other guys hurts me, seeing you with another girl hurts me, and I'm just confused! You're my best friend, I'm not supposed to feel like this!" Jackson exclaimed irritably, the room going silent after his words, Mark's eyes widening immensely.

"W-what..?" Was the only word that escaped his lips, head remaining on Jackson's lap.

"You heard me Mark! I'm just some lunatic whose has a ridiculous crush on his best friend, and I can't stand it anymore!" Jackson groaned, frustrated with himself.

"Th-that's not ridiculous Jackson.." Mark muttered quietly, about to continue before his common sense kicked in. Jackson was a playboy, and what was to say he wouldn't play Mark like he did all those girls? In fact, nothing said so, and Jackson probably would. That was a thought Mark couldn't even bear. He quickly began to shake his head.

"N-no.. This is crazy.. Ridiculous... It's not right.." Mark said, going into a semi dazed state as he sat up, bringing his head up from Jackson's lap.

"Y-you're a p-player.. I could never forget that... No of course I couldn't.." Mark said, talking to himself more than to Jackson, who was intently listening to the other's words.

"T-to think that w-we could be a real thing is impossible, i-insane.. That there could ever be an u-us.." Mark said, still in a trance of his thoughts. This was when Jackson interjected.

"You want there to be an us?" Jackson asked, a slight hopeful tone in his voice. Mark's heart, his feelings, wanted that more than anything, but his logic and reasoning spoke for him as he stood from the couch, stepping towards the door.

"N-no.. That's a crazy idea.. I-impossible.." The stuttered words escaped the small boy's lips as he was completely consumed, nearly held captive by these thoughts, by this trance.

But he was quickly snapped out of his trance with a kiss to his lips. His eyes widened immensely as he felt another pair of lips on his own, especially knowing that it was Jackson. Jackson's lips danced against Mark's for a mere few seconds before he pulled away.

"You can't tell me you didn't feel anything.." Jackson said, panting quietly as he caught his breath.

There was a lot of emotion conveyed to Mark in the kiss. Need, care, sincerity, and fireworks all at the same time. Yes, fireworks, because the kiss had felt absolutely magical, perfect even.

"I'd change for you, I'd change Mark.." Jackson pleaded, Mark's sensible side made him disagree.

"I'm sure that's what you tell every single girl you date," Mark told Jackson, but was saying it more to himself, reminding himself.

"You're different from them.."

"How?" Mark questioned. "How am I any different? How do I know I'm not some little experiment, or some kind of little pet?"

"I've never told one of those girls that I loved them." Jackson states firmly, which surprised Mark.



"But why not?" Mark asked curiously.

"Because I knew I didn't love them.." Jackson replied honestly.

"B-but you say that to me all the time..." Mark said, shocked.

"Because when I say it to you, it's true," Jackson said clearly, leaving Mark wide-eyed and speechless

Jackson's arms moved to wrap around Jackson's small body, and Mark's wrapped right back around Jackson.

And though Mark knew that the situation he was stepping into was dangerous, and had many risks, here in Jackson's arms, he felt safe.

If wattpad messes this one up too imma be pissed, but it looks okay so far. I'd like to thank all the readers of this story, were approaching 500 and that makes me so happy guys, so so happy. If you have any suggestions or anything just feel free to comment. And thank you again

P.S. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could check out my other works? Thank you loads if you decide to~<3

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