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Karen's pov

My grandma walks in and goes to make herself some coffee.

''Good morning dear,'' She gives me a warm smile. I return it but don't say anything and continue to make my waffles. ''Some boy came earlier today and he was looking for you,'' She says and I almost drop the syrup from my hands. I know it was that guy from last night. Who else could it be?

''What did he want?'' I ask.

''He only asked for you but I told him you were asleep,'' She says sipping her coffee. I can't help but think why he would come again. I thought last night was only a one time thing. Honestly, I didn't mind at all.

I shake the thought off and pour the syrup on my waffles. I take my plate and coffee then head upstairs to my room. When I pass Siena's room she is still sleeping. I'm not surprised at all. I would wake her up but I'm going to be a good friend and let her sleep.

I set my waffles and coffee on the night stand and turn on the tv to watch some Netflix. Currently I've been obsessed with watching 'Pretty Little Liars'. Where has this show been all my life it's amazing. I sit on my bed and eat my breakfast while watching tv. Once I'm done eating I wait until the episode is over to put my finished plate in the sink. I walk back upstairs and Siena is finally awake.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I tease her. She runs her hands through her messy hair and gives me a middle finger. She is definitely not a morning person or maybe it's just that time of the month for her.

"Not in the mood today," She says and walks downstairs. I roll my eyes in a playful way and head back to my room.

I decide to watch another episode so I put it on and lay back on my bed. Halfway through the episode I think I hear my grandma calling me. Probably to help her with something she needs. I pause the episode and get off my bed to go downstairs. I look in the living room and kitchen but she's not there. I go to her room and see her on her bed, sleeping. I check to see if she is still breathing which thank god she is. I might've thought that I heard her or something.

"Hey get out she's sleeping," Siena says from the door.

"I was just checking that she was," I didn't want to tell her that I mentally heard her call me. She would just think I'm being weird again. But I'm not. I walk out and close the door behind me.

"I'm gonna go finish eating my breakfast," Siena walks away to the kitchen.

I walk back to my room and close the door. I hop on my bed and continue to watch the episode.

"I still can't figure out who A is yet," I hear someone very close to me say. I jump off my bed and see the boy from last night. Who almost gave me a heart attack right now.

"How did you get in here," I put my hand on my heart to keep my breathing calm.

"Through the window," He points to the open window like it was obvious.

"But I'm on the second floor," I say curiously. How did he get up here?

"A ladder duh," He must think I'm stupid now.

"How come I didn't hear you?" I try and defend my stupidity.

"You were to busy looking for your grandma who you thought was calling you," He smirks at me. I kinda have a feeling that he had something to do with that.

"How did you know that," I ask. Right as he is about to answer someone knocks at the door. I look at him and raise a finger to my mouth as a sign to keep quiet. I open the door and see Siena standing there.

"Hey we should go to the mall today haven't been there in forever. I need some new clothes anyway," She rambles standing in the door way.

"Yea okay let me just get ready," I try and hurry up to end the conversation in any way possible.

"Okay me too!" She walks to her room across the hall. Great now I have to go to the mall. I close the door and turn back around to see that Matt has left.

He didn't even get to answer my question. I lay back on my bed to see a note. *I'll see you at the mall.* It says. So now he's gonna be at the mall? I look out my window to see no ladder and no Matt. He really is such a confusing guy or maybe he's just fast.

"Karen, are you ready yet?" Siena says through the door.

"In a minute!" I yell back. I put on a pair of shorts and a new shirt. At the moment I really don't care how I look. I put on some shoes and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I'm done I go downstairs to see Siena patiently waiting in the living room.


"Yea." I answer back and we walk outside into the car.

- at the mall -

We have been to almost every store in the mall and so far I have gotten nothing. Siena has basically got every single thing at the mall. I'm just glad it's not my money she spent.

"Aren't you gonna get something?" Siena asks me.

"Yea lets go to Starbucks," I suggest. "I'll even buy you one since I know you already wasted a lot of yours."

"Aw thanks," She gives me a smile.

"But you're gonna have to buy them both," I say mainly because I'm tried of walking.

"Ugh fine," She rolls her eyes and I hand her the money. She walks to the line and waits and I take her bags to find us a table. Once I find us a table I sit down and let out a big breath of exhaustion.

While I wait I check my phone for any new messages. I only have a few from unimportant people I talk to and my mom saying if I'm doing okay.

"Here's your Cotton candy Frapuccino," Siena sets down my drink and sits across from me while I finish texting everyone.

"Thanks," I say and start to drink the definition of what I call heaven.

"Hey Karen don't look but there's this really cute boy sitting a few tables from us," Siena tells me while looking at the back of me. My instincts tell me that I have to turn around and that's what I do.

To my surprise I see Matt on his phone drinking a Starbucks drink. He wasn't lying when he said 'see you at the mall'. I really hope he isn't stalking me. I turn back around and try to ignore him.

"Karen I think he's staring at you," At this point I try really hard not to look back and see if he really is.

"We should go now," I try and rush us out. I suddenly feel very uncomfortable for some reason.

Unnatural || Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now