Ch 11

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"How much longer until we get there?" I ask Matt.

"Not long," His eyes are still focused on the road as we sit here in silence watching the trees pass us by.

"What are you thinking?" Matt glances over at me then back to the road.

"Can't you figure that out on your own?"

"Yea but you told me to do that anymore," He refers to the reading minds thing, however he does that.

"How do you even do that?" This question has been bugging me since he confirmed that he could read minds which I'm still trying to process.

"I don't know how to explain it. I just look at someone and I can read their thoughts and they don't know it," He explains.

"So you could've read my mind today but you decided not to?"

"You told me not to," He shrugs

"But if other people had that ability they would still do it," I know that I would for sure.

"Yea but I'm not most people,"

"What are your other supernatural powers?" I question. 

"You can figure that out on your own," He stops at a red light and looks over at me, smirking.

I don't really know how to figure that out on my own but I don't think that I even want to know. Or do I? I don't know I'm confused weather I do or not.

For the rest of the ride we sit in silence. Not awkward but not comfortable either. I mean I'm sitting in a car with a supernatural human and I don't know if I'm in danger or not. Even though he said he is the good guy. For all I know he could be reading my mind right now and I would have no idea. I bet he was reading my mind when he said he wasn't but I'll never know the truth so what's the point in asking this question.

As he pulls into the driveway I'm relieved. Not only because I don't have to stay in the car with him but because I want to go back to my sleep.

I unlock the front door and when I look back Matt isn't there. At first I thought he was following me but maybe he decided to leave, not that I have a problem with that. He's glad to leave anytime he wants but a tiny part of me is disappointed. I hate myself for feeling that way.

I go to head upstairs until I see my grandma watching tv. I try to go quickly and quietly so she doesn't notice or hear me. I didn't do anything wrong I just don't want her to see me right now and start a conversation with her.

I make it to my room without her noticing me and I'm thankful for that. I dramatically lay down on my bed and let out an exhausting sign from the day I just had and hope that I can forget about it with some sleep. I really need it.

"Going to sleep already?" I hear Matt say.

I don't even look up at him or ask him how he got in. He probably got in through the window somehow by flying or doing whatever his supernatural powers allow him to do.

"What do you want?"

"You tired?" He ignores my question.

"No, why does it look that way?" I sarcastically remark.

I close my eyes and open them once I feel something on me. Matt is above me and he grabs both of my arms and pins them against the bed, not letting me move. Did he just walk or teleport over here or something?

"You're awfully sassy," I can smell the mint from his mouth. He's dangerously close to me. Way too close.

"Let go of me," I try to wiggle from his tight grip but fail.

"Only if you change from these," He points at my yoga pants.

"Why?" I try to move again but don't succeed.

"Because they're distracting me,"

I don't even want to go on further discussion about why it distracts him so I agree to change them of it'll mean he keeps his hands to himself.

"I won't change with you in here," I go to get something else to wear that won't be so distracting to him.

"I won't look," He lays down on my bed crossing his arms behind his head, getting the perfect view.

"Out." I point to the door.

"Fine, but you have one minute." He gets up and leaves the room.

One minute? He can't be serious.

"Fifty seconds," I hear him say through the door. Looks like he is serious.

I quickly take off my yoga pants and put on my sweat pants that I got. Right as I pull up the sweat pants on me he enters the room again.

"That wasn't even a minute," I wasn't counting but I know it wasn't, right?

"Yeah I know. I was kinda hoping to see you half naked but looks like you change fast."  He goes and lays on my bed again.

I mentally pat myself on the back for changing quickly.

"So are you leaving now?" I hope he does.

"Why don't we have a sleepover as friends?" He expands the word friends. I look at him like he's crazy, which he certainly is if he thinks he's going to sleep in the same bed as me.

"Absolutely not."

"Why? You haven't ever slept with a guy before?" He has a smirk on his face. It seems like he always does.

"I'm done with this conversation," I try and end this before we go any deeper into this.

"You haven't?" All i hear is amusement in his voice. I bet he already knows, he's just trying to push me over the edge and it's working.

"Why does it matter? Oh it doesn't."

"Does that mean you're a virgin too?" He questions and I sort of flinch but I don't think he notices.

"Ugh just leave now," I whine.

"Not until you answer me," He presses.

"Fine! No I have slept with a guy before and yes I'm still a virgin. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

I feel like I'm going to cry and I'm not entirely sure why. I'm really tired and having him here isn't helping with my mood right now.

"I'm just surprised no one has ever touched you before, ever." He stands up and comes closer to me. I stay still not being able to move.

"Yea... I don't think guys find me that attractive,"

"How can someone not find you attractive. Some guy was just hitting on you not even an hour ago." He's close enough that I can smell his minty breath again.

I close my eyes thinking that he's going to kiss me but he doesn't.

"Night Karen." I hear him say.

I open my eyes and don't see him. He must've left and I'm standing here like an idiot basically rejected from someone I barely know.

(Omg Matt is such a tease. Hopefully I won't take long to update. Bye!)

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