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"Go Jimin,,goo"
"Go Jungkook,,goo"
"Jimin! Jimin! Jimin!"
"Jungkook! Jungkook! Jungkook!"

The whole basketball court was screaming and cheering for Jimin as it was their final basketball tournament today.  Jimin was too focused on his opponent player who was holding the ball 🏀. Jimin played his tictac technique and in a blink of an eye the ball was on Jimin's hand. He was dribbling to move the ball towards the hoop. Jimin jumped high and put the ball on the net. There goes, the bell rang and the score was 8 vs 9. The blue team screamed in happiness. The whole court was clapping and dancing. Jimin's teammates ran towards him and carried him. They were cheering for Jimin and was praising him loudly. Jimin's cheeks became red like cherry and he was smiling hard while looking at the whole basketball court. He felt relieved and happy inside.
"Yaaaahuuuuu.... Jungkook Jungkook Jungkook." The whole swimming court started screaming and cheering loudly for Jungkook as Jungkook finally touched the finishing line of the pool. It was their swimming competition of summer season. And again Jungkook came first. Everyone was clapping around for Jungkook. Jungkook took out his swimming glasses 🕶️ and looked at the crowd while smiling brightly. He waved at them and almost all the audience became crazy specially the girls and Omegas. Jungkook felt relived and happy inside.

Night 8pm..
"Cheers !"🥂
Jimin , Jungkook, Hobi, Namjoon and Jin said together and started drinking.
"What a great day. Both of you got the award" Namjoon said and everyone smiled.
"Thank you guys and thanks for the treat though" Jimin said smilingly.
"Yeah thanks a lot..." Jungkook said who was leaning towards Jimin and kept his one hand around Jimin's shoulder.
"I didn't like the timing. Both tournament was today at the same time. Some of us couldn't see both your performance together." Hobi said and pouted as he and Namjoon didn't get the chance to watch Jimin's basketball tournament. On the other hand Jin watched Jimin's one  but couldn't see Jungkook's swimming tournament.
"Yeah that's right." Jin said.
"Anyway, we both team recorded both of your performance. Let's see it then" Namjoon smilingly.
"Woah...I was about to say this if anyone of you recorded it or not!" Jungkook said and sat down properly to see Jimin's playings.
Also Jimin became excited to see Jungkook's swimming.
"Here is it guys" Namjoon handed over his phone to Jimin. And Jin handed over the phone to Jungkook. And they both started watching each others performance.
"Wow you look really cool while playing basketball" Jungkook commented and Jimin smiled.
"Thank you..and you are also looking very passionate while swimming though" Jimin said and Jungkook smiled.
After two hours they both finished watching the video recordings.
"Congratulations idiot" Jimin said
"Congratulations pretty" Jungkook said to each other and hugged tightly.
"Aish ...if you both are done then let's go and dance. We are getting bored only sitting here" Jin said and Jungkook, Jimin laughed.
"Yeah let's gooo" Jimin said excitedly and went towards the dance floor. Everyone laughed and followed him.
They all were dancing crazily while drinking. The buzzing and vibing music was playing around and they were lost in dancing. Both Jimin and Jungkook were dancing hard side by side.
"Stop drinking too much Jimin" Jungkook said.
"Nah..let me celebrate our victory" Jimin said and smiled brightly. Jungkook smiled back and started dancing again.
After dancing for an hour they all became tired and returned to their table.
"You guys take rest I'm coming from the washroom"Jungkook said and everyone nodded. They all almost laid on the big sofas. Jimin was drunk enough and started blabbering.
Jungkook came out from the washroom and was washing his hands. Meantime a girl came towards Jungkook and hugged him from behind. Jungkook looked at her through the large mirror.
"What's up with you!"
The girl sat down on the sink side area and kept her hands around Jungkook's shoulder.
"I was looking at you for so long time. You are so hot, so handsome, so good looking..."
Jungkook smirk hearing her.
"So what now?"
"Um..can I kiss you darling!" The girl said almost leaning towards Jungkook.
"Owh no no..I don't approve kissing in an one nightstand " Jungkook said maintaining a distance from her. The girl's eyes were bright hearing this.
"Then..then make me your one night stand for tonight. I will be a good omega girl for you. I ..I have everything, the condom, lube...let's..do it" the girl said and almost undressed herself in front of Jungkook.
"You are not shy I see..."
"Any omega will become bold in front of a hot alpha like you" the girl said and smirk. Jungkook held her hair and was about to take her inside the bathroom but on that time his phone started ringing.
"Aish..who's this! One minute please " Jungkook said and the girl nodded and looked kinda disturbed.
"Yeah Hobi?"
"Yaa..where the fuck you are?"
"Why what happened!"
"It's getting late...we all are sleepy. We will take texi. But this Jimin is too much drunk. We can't handle him come and take him. We are going"
"Yaa..no no don't leave him alone. Please wait for five minutes I'm coming"
"Not a second. We are going... it's already 1am.."
"Yaa Hobi please wait there I'm coming"
"Hello!" Hello Hobi..ho... Darn it" Jungkook said.
"Sorry sexy, I have to go. I can't leave Jimini alone. Bye.." Jungkook said and promptly left the place. The girl kicked on the door in anger.
"Fuck that Jimini who ruined my moment..huh" the girl said and sighed.
"Night club..club ..is clubbing..eve..everyone iss.. clubbing to~~night..la la la~~" Jimin was singing messy. He was trying to climb up one the table which was really small at size. All the wine's and bar's glasses were there.
"Hey you will fall down if you stand here" A random man said who was looking at Jimin all these times.
"Hu! Me..fall down ~~haha no nope. Look I can stand here"
"Jimin!" Jungkook called him out and ran towards him and pulled him down then carried him like bridal style.
"Let me help out also"" the man said and Jungkook gave him a serious look.
"No thanks it's ok..I'm with him"
"Oh ..I thought he is alone here. I saw him drinking alone and his friends also left him here some while ago "
"No he is not alone ..I was inside the washroom no need to worry " Jungkook said and left the place while carrying Jimin.
"Where are you... taking me..idiot..leave me .."
"Yaa Jimina..I told you not to drink ..now look at you!"
"Hu! Shut up...I'm all good...I..just wanted to stand..there..to ..~see the night sky "
"Gosh..how can you see the night sky while standing on a table!"
"Dimini can see the night sky huuu~" Jimin said while pouting. Jungkook smiled at him and went inside the car.
"Let's go home...we will watch the night sky tomorrow " Jungkook said while looking at Jimin who almost fell asleep on Jungkook's chest.
"I think no one can handle a drunk Jimin except me!" Jungkook said smilingly and leaned his back on the car's seat. The driver started the cars engine and headed for Jimin's house.



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The night club

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The night club

The night club

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See you in next part 💜💛

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