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Namjoon filed a case against that dirty man. He then thanked the police. Soon the police took that man inside the jail. Namjoon called his friends and informed it. They all thanked Namjoon specially Jimin and Jungkook.
Jungkook dropped Jimin at his home. He stopped his car in front of Jimin's apartment. Before got down from the car he looked at Jungkook.
"Thanks...for saving me today" Jimin said in a soft voice. Jungkook looked at him and smiled.
"It's ok Jiminssi...I'm your best friend of course it's my duty to save you from any danger."
Jimin smiled softly.
"Ok then see you tomorrow. Call me when you will reach home" Jimin said and Jungkook nodded smilingly.
"Ok pretty" Jungkook said and Jimin smiled. Jimin got down from the car and went inside his home. Jungkook then left the place and headed for his home.
It was 12am when Jimin entered inside his home. His parents fell asleep and Jimin went inside his room without making anysounds .He then went inside the shower room. Jimin washed his face and looked at himself on the mirror
"Why I was so afraid!"
"Was it because..I..I never experienced sex life!" Jimin said under his breath. He then shook his head and went under the shower and turned the shower tap.
Jimin came out from the shower room and was drying his hair. On that time he received a call from Jungkook.
"I reached safely"
"Okk... good night"
"Goodnight" Jungkook said and cut the call. After that he went inside the shower room to take shower.

Jimin laid down on his bed and opened the Instagram account. He was surprised looking at the numbers of likes and comments on his photos.
"Woah.." Jimin said and was scrolling through.
Jungkook also laid down on his bed and logged into his insta account. He also got numbers of likes and comments on his photos. Jungkook frowned his eyebrows when he saw the comments on Jimin's photo. Jungkook was reading all the comments and he didn't know why he was feeling too much possessiveness towards Jimin. He actually didn't realize he was jealous when he saw those sweet comments on Jimin's photo

 He actually didn't realize he was jealous when he saw those sweet comments on Jimin's photo

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Jungkook opened his chatbo after reading the comments and sent a message to Jimin.

Jungkook opened his chatbo after reading the comments and sent a message to Jimin

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Jimin smiled reading Jungkook's message and then kept the phone and fall asleep

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Jimin smiled reading Jungkook's message and then kept the phone and fall asleep.
. morning 9am...
Jimin woke up and got ready for the varsity. He came out from his room and was greeted by his parents.
"Good morning Jimini.." Jimin's mom said and Jimin smiled.
"Good morning mom"
"How was your party last night?" His dad asked and Jimin looked at him.
"Ye..yeah it was good and fun. We enjoyed a lot" Jimin said and started eating his breakfast without maintaining any eye contacts with his parents. After eating the breakfast he headed for his varsity.
Afternoon 3pm..
Their classes were ended. Jimin and Jungkook was walking through the corridor. Meantime Jungkook received a call from his swimming trainer.
"Ok sir I'm coming now" Jungkook said over the phone.
"Who is it!" Jimin asked.
"My swimming teacher. He wants to meet with me right now."
"Oh I see...go then.."
"Yeah I'm going and wait for me at the open space okay?"
"Ok I will wait for you there" Jimin and Jungkook smiled. He then left the place and Jimin went downstairs to wait for Jungkook.
After talking for a while Jungkook greeted his teacher and was about to leave the swimming court but someone called him from behind.
"Hey Jungkook!"
Jungkook looked behind.
"Hi..hi I'm Sia. I was looking for you "
"Cause I ..I wanted say you something...can you please come..
"Oh I'm sorry I'm in hurry now. Can't talk"
"It will take only five minutes."
"I'm sorry Sia..let's talk tomorrow. Bye" Jungkook said and left the place while running. He didn't know why but he was quiet feeling anxious thinking about leaving Jimin alone in any place. So he just left the place while running. Sia was looking at Jungkook with angry eyes. She tightened her fists and started following Jungkook.
Jimin was waiting for Jungkook sitting on a chair in the open space. Soon Jungkook came in the open space and went towards Jimin.
"Yaa...let's go" Jungkook said keeping his hand on Jimin's shoulder.
"Oh you came!"
"Yeah let's go"
"What did your teacher said?"
"Nothing he just wanted me to guide the new comers for the swimming ."
"Woah..it's a good news"
"Aish just for one day...not that good news!Lol"
"Ah I see.. um anyway..here take it" Jimin handed over a banana milk on Jungkook's hands.
"Woww... banana milk! Did you just buy it for me?"
"Yeah...I forgot to give you...I just bought it today morning"
"Omo..thankss pretty" Jungkook said and give a quick kiss on Jimin's forehead.
"Aish..stop kissing me..you r annoying" Jimin said playfully while smiling hard.
"Yaa what did you say!"
"Nothing nothing let's go" Jimin said and started running and Jungkook also started running behind Jimin while holding the banana milk on his hand.

Sia was burning in anger watching the scene.she  tightened her fists and left the place.
Evening 7:30pm...

Jimin got ready to go to Jungkook's house. He told his mom he was going to Jungkook's place and he might be late. Jimin reached at Jungkook's home and pressed the calling bell.
Mrs. Jeon opened the door and smiled brightly.
"Omo..Jimini...come come"
"Hello aunti..how are you?"
"I'm all good ..what about you?"
"Me too... auntie. I just came to play games with Jungkook"
"Yeah yeah..he told me that...I arranged some drinks for both of you come"
"Oh auntie it's ok..why did you made the drinks.. Jungkook will order food I think."
"It's ok...he is not ordering drinks so I thought of making some fresh orange juice for both of you"
"So sweet of you auntie" Jimin said smilingly and Mrs.jeon smiled back.
Jimin knocked on the door and Jungkook promptly stood up and opened the door of his bedroom.
"I was waiting for you come" Jungkook said and gave a smile.
"Oh you brought juices?"
"No auntie made it for us"
"I see..mom told me that she will made some for us. I also ordered the fried chicken"
Jimin smiled and they sat down on the couches. Jungkook turned on big screen of his TV.They took the controller of the video game and looked at each other.
"I will be the winner tonight"
"Hah...when Park Jimin is here it's impossible to win" Jimin said looking at Jungkook. They were looking at each other eye to eye.
"If I win you will go at my favorite places on this summer vacation with me. "
"Done and If I win you will go at my favorite places"
"Done " Jungkook said and they focused on the game.

See you in next part 💜💛😉

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