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After taking dinner Jimin and Jungkook went inside the bedroom. It 12am when they laid down on the bed.  Jimin turned off the lights and they were laying while facing the ceiling.
"Thanks again, for saving me today"
"It's ok mini..I promise that I will always protect you from any danger."
Jimin smiled softly and looked at Jungkook.
"Goodnight idiot"
"Goodnight pretty "
They both smiled at each other and soon fell asleep.
Midnight 3am....
"Bind him and kill him"
"N..Noh please.."
"Hahahaha...he is crying look"
"Ooow..a baby crying!"
"Please leave me"
"We will keep you like this forever"
"You will be in this dark room forever"
"Yes forever"
"Noh..pl.. please"
"Please stop, please"
"Please don't bind my hands... please help..help..help.."
"No will come to help you!"
"Help... please help me..helppp meee....meee..mee (echo)

Jimin screamed and woke up while breathing fast. He started sweating badly. Jungkook also woke up hearing the scream.
"Jimin?" Jungkook called and sat down beside Jimin. He turned on the lights and saw Jimin breathing fast. Jungkook frowned his eyebrows looking at him.
Jimin flinched and looked at Jungkook.
"Jimin what happened! Why are you crying...did ..did you see a bad dream!"
Tears escaped from Jimin's eyes. He jumped on Jungkook's laps and hugged him tightly. Jungkook was surprised at Jimin's action.
"Ji..Jimin! Are you alright?"
"I..I hate it" Jimin said in a shaky voice.
"I hate bullying " Jimin again said and Jungkook's heart broke into million pieces. He held Jimin tightly and started rubbing his back.
"Shh...it's ok don't cry"
"Look I'm here..it's just a nightmare... nothing will happen to you. I will save you.. you know that right?"
Jungkook started comforting Jimin in every possible way. Soon Jimin stopped crying and fell asleep on Jungkook's laps. Jungkook hated seeing Jimin crying. Jungkook tightened his fists thinking about that sia because of her this all happened today.
"I will not spare you!" Jungkook said under his breath. He then laid Jimin on the bed carefully and gave kiss on Jimin's forehead. Then he laid down beside Jimin.
Morning 10:30pm...
Jimin was sleeping whole morning. At 10 30 he woke up and saw Hobi , Namjoon sitting on the couch.
"You both!" Jimin softly and sat down.
"Oh you woke up" Hobi said and walked towards Jimin.
"Good morning Jimini"Hobi said smilingly and Jimin smiled back.
"Come we made breakfast for you" Namjoon said and they took Jimin inside the dining room.
Jimin sat down on a chair and was looking around.
"Where is Jungkook?"
Both Hobi and Namjoon looked at each other.
"He ..he went to meet with Sungwoon."
"Yeah...I think Jungkook is in mood of taking revenge on Sia"
"Did..did he go alone?"
"No Sungwoon is with him. Don't worry and here take this he left this chit for you" Hobi handed over a small chit. Jimin took the chit and opened it.
Good morning. I am going for taking revenge on that dirty girl. We need to catch her before it's too late. So don't worry about me I will come back soon. You take care (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡.

Jimin smiled reading the chit. He then took his breakfast with Hobi and Namjoon.
Jungkook met with Sungwoon at the police station. Sungwoon called him and told to come over there.
Jungkook went inside the station and saw Sungwoon waiting for him.
"Jungkook..you came"
"Tell me..did you find something?"
"Yes the police did. He said Sia's brother was a..
"A killer. Their family was trying to hide it for years now. The police tried to find the truth about Sia and her family. And one of that boys who bullied Jimin told the police this truth."
"The police find out that?"
"Yeah here is a report" Sungwoon showed a report and Jungkook checked it.
"I see ..so from his brother she got this much confidence." Jungkook said in a cold voice.
"She is the one who used me for her evil work I fell in her traped. I shouldn't have done this.. please forgive me Jungkook "
"It's ok Sungwoon...I understand. I know her very well."
"We have to catch her before it's too late" Sungwoon said and Jungkook smirk.
"Let's go and catch her. I have already a proof." Jungkook said and left the place with Sungwoon.

See you in next part 💜 💛

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