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Jungkook and Jimin were reading the book together. Both were focused on it but Jungkook got distracted by his phone's vibration. Jungkook took his phone and saw Hobi sent a photo. Jungkook opened the chatbox and saw his and Jimin's pic. Jungkook looked around but didn't see Hobi there. Jungkook read the caption written under the pic.
"You both are looking like a couple!" Jungkook read it silently. He then smiled but didn't take it seriously took it as a fun.
Jungkook wrote and sent it to Hobi. And then looked at Jimin who was still reading attentively. Jungkook checked the time and it was 2:30.
"Yaa it's late at noon..let's go home..I'm hungry" Jungkook told Jimin and Jimin checked the time.
"Owh yeah...can we stay for some more time"
"Noh..let's go..and take this book with you...and read it at night." Jungkook said and Jimin nodded smilingly.
"Oh yes...let me issue it.." Jimin said and went towards the librarian with his library card. After that they both left the library and headed for home.
Time skip~~night at 10:30.
Jimin was still reading the book with all his attention. He started liking the story. He suddenly discovered that he likes romantic stories. All these times Jimin didn't pay much attention on romance, couples, love life, life partner. But suddenly while reading the book he started developing his likeness on these.
"Yaa stop reading now...come and eat..." Jungkook called and Jimin without looking at Jungkook stood up and went inside the dining room. Jungkook just chuckled at Jimin's cuteness and followed him.
Jungkook fed Jimin and he also took his dinner. After the dinner both of them laid down on the bed. Jimin was at the last page of the book. Jungkook was about to turn off the lights but he saw Jimin still reading so he just laid down and looked at him. Jimin's eyes were teary while reading the book. Jimin finally finished it and closed the book.
"It was so good " Jimin said smilingly and wiped little drops of tear from his eyes.
"Happy ending?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded.
"Yes very happy"
"Great...now sleep...you were reading this from noon to night" Jungkook said and Jimin pouted.
"I liked it..." Jimin said and Jungkook smiled. He then turned off the lights and laid down. Jimin was looking at the window and his mind was still in that story.
"I want this type of romance in my life also"
"I..I need someone special for me "
"Who.. who will be my destiny!"
"I have to find it"
Jimin thought these all in his mind. But nevertheless,Jimin didn't know that his destiny was laying beside him .

Next morning..
At 8:30am Jimin received a call from his mom. His mom told him they will return to Korea at today's flight. Jimin was happy hearing this. He then cut the call and got down from the bed to inform this to Jungkook. Jungkook was making breakfast at the kitchen. Jimin sat down on the table ..
"Good morning" Jimin said and Jungkook looked at him.
"Oh you woke up! Morning..I'm making breakfast,wait for minutes."
"You had to do all these because of me! I'm feeling bad, anyway my parents are returning tonight..you don't have to do all these staffs or take any burdens kooki" Jimin said and Jungkook stopped cooking and looked at him.
"You are not my burden Jimin! You are my responsibility...so stop talking like this" Jungkook said in a serious voice and suddenly a dialogue from the book that Jimin had read came to his mind where the hero told the heroin exactly whatever Jungkook said right then. Jimin was looking at Jungkook without blinking,he then looked away promptly.
"Noh I mean..I wanted to inform you that my parents are coming,,that's it" Jimin said and Jungkook nodded. Jungkook didn't know why he didn't like hearing this news, may be he wants to spend and take care of Jimin for some more days! Jungkook thought inside and then served the breakfast. At 10:30 they headed for the varsity together.
At 2:30pm...
Hobi, Namjoon, Jungkook and Jimin were sitting at the canteen. Hobi was eating,while Namjoon and Jungkook were playing games on phone after eating and Jimin was watching reels on his phone. Jimin searched for the cute couple reels and number of reels were started coming on his news feed. Jimin already watched 50+ reels. Jimin turned off his phone and looked at his friends. He then took a deep breath and banged on the table.
"Guys!" Jimin called Hobi looked at him while Jungkook and Namjoon respond only.
"Enough is enough now. I want someone special for me now. I want a handsome alphas for me" Jimin announced and both Hobi and Namjoon looked at him.
"I want to go on a date" Jimin said again.
"No need to go on dates, today's alphas are not well behaved, they will break your heart and use you." Jungkook said still playing with his phone. Jimin frowned his eyebrows hearing this.
"Not all alphas are similar"
"Yes they are"
"You...fine you don't have to help me" Jimin said and sighed. He then looked at Hobi.
"Hobi, you will help me in finding a good handsome man for me will you!" Jimin asked in a soft voice.
Hobi was in confused what to say or not. He looked at Jungkook who was already looking at him. Jungkook nodded his head a little for no. Hobi gulped looking at Jungkook and then looked at Jimin.
"I..umm..Jimin, I think, it's natural, may be you will find someone later on , or whoever will be in your destiny will come to you"
"Ohho Hobi stop talking like a poet,come to reality, here we have to find the good things for ourselves. So, I need to look for my  partner, you are helping me in this matter that's it" Jimin said and stood up. He then left the place while Namjoon and Hobi were all confused about what happened to Jimin suddenly. Jungkook sighed and turnd off his phone. He then followed Jimin behind.
"What happened to Jimin suddenly!" Namjoon asked.
"That's what I want to know" Hobi replied. But inner, Hobi was feeling tensed, cause his sixth sense was telling him, this matter will drag Jimin and Jungkook in a new trouble.

See you in next part 💜 💜

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