Part 4

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Ever since the news he got from a day before ,sunghoon became extremely cold and barely even ate anything or spoke to anyone.
The members could understand his pain because you were one of their closest friends but no one was as hurt as sunghoon was , his world completely turned upside down after hearing your state.

He wasn't ready to see your funeral thumb at all nor where the others , the death happened suddenly because no one even knew what you were going through , not even a inch of it.

<<6 Months ago>>
You got into a car accident after a obsessive tried to follow you home which later chased them to crash into the SUV you were in at the time.
The driver , the obsessive fan both died except for you...
You were glad and grateful to god that you survived but you felt extremely guilty that the female staff who was a driver of the hybe company git into the car accident aswell and her life got risked even though she had nothing to do with that obsessive fan since it wasn't her fan.

"Hello Ms.Kang ! We were really glad to see you wake up from your coma but your heart has weakened after the car accident so please try not to put yourself in stress because once you do , your survival level  is seen to be going very low" the doctor informed you after you woke up making you fear soemthing... Death.
"And unfortunately Ms.Kim the one who was driving you didn't make it" the doctor added making you feel as if the world of some people shattered just because of you especially since Ms.Kim was one of your most favourite staffs of hybe.
Because of your obessesive fan , a life got risked , you felt extremely guilty about it but you soon recovered from it in a few months.

Ever since that information your got about yourself form the doctor , you became extremely careful of yourself and tried your best to not put yourself in too much pressure and stress but one day you failed to not make yourself stressed.
The day you failed to avoid stressing yourself was the day when you got a call from a random hospital giving you the worst news you could've ever excepted to receive in your life.

"Hello is this Kang Yn?" A female voice came from the other side of the phone.
"Yes it is..." you replied unsure of who it could be.
"Well this is the Seoul National University Hospital's nurse speaking and I am sorry to tell you this but your grandma has died due to some poisoning at a restaurant..." The nurse from the other side informed you as your heart immediately shattered and teas fell down your eyes uncontrollably while your phone immediately slipped from your hand on the floor , the screen cracking into a millions of pieces.
"W-what ?" You mumbled as a drop of your tear accidentally entered your mouth as you could feel the salty taste of your tear.
"W-why ? Why did you l-leave me ? Why grandma , w-why , I thought you promised to forever stay by my side?" You mumbled the sentence to yourself staring at the ceiling as if it was the sky your grandma's soul was now living in.

"WHY TF DID YOU LEAVE ME , HALMEONI , YOU DIDNT EVEN LET ME BID YOU A GOODBYE" You screamed with tears as you started throwing random stuff around making them break while your heart was burning and hurting badly.
Your apartment neighbour came to your apartment floor and started knocking on your door because of the loud noise that was coming from your place but you didn't heard the knocks as your tears were louder than the knock.

Suddenly you started taking heavy breaths and fell on your butt , laughing about how your fate turned.
"I-I have no one , m-no one at all" you said laughing at your fate , not believing that you just lost the last family member you've had or worse , the only family member you ever got to know in your whole existence.

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