Chapter 2

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Vox was waiting for his coffee to finish while scrolling on the many documents that his assistant sends him to check. His leg was slowly bouncing on the floor as he was slightly leaning on the counter.

A high pitched voice startled him as he jumped out of his position.


'oh god fuck no'

"Valentino why do you came to me this hellish morning ?", he say sighing while going back to his original pose waving a hand in the air while he is talking.

"Oh you know I was just wondering.... WHY THERE'S THIS RAT IN YOUR ROOM", Valentino yelled while slamming his fist against the wall. Vox let out a chuckle and take Valentino fur into his hand bringing him to his height. "First what were you doing into my room without my consent"

Valentino blush and put his finger under Vox chin. "Don't worry about that I was just coming up for a visit like usual~", he grins while smoking his pipe into Vox face. The said tv man just sigh and take a few step back.

"That's doesn't answer my question Vox", he walk back closer to Vox. "She was drunk yesterday I just thought i wouldn't let her there alone", the 'ding' of the coffee machine came to his ears as he takes his favorite mug saying 'fuck Alastor' from the cabinet and pour himself coffee.

"Since when are we doing charity ?! And especially to my ennemy ?", Valentino tsk as he got more angry towering Vox. "Since we ! Arg ! Why do you care so much ? You blew up my chance yesterday ! I'm sure I could persuade this bitch to work for us ! You imagine how much money we could make ?!", Vox slams his fist on the counter and drink his coffee in one sip.

"Because she is my ennemy Vox ! THIS WHORE makes us lose money with her new 'collection'", he tried to imitate y/n voice and manners. "And she makes ME FUCKING ME ! looks ridiculous with mine", Valentino bow down to Vox height pointing at himself while Vox look up at him before showing him his phone where it wrote 'overlords meeting in 5'.

"I have to go stop crying like a baby Valentino, it's not a daycare", he walks away sipping on his coffee toward his  room earning a complain from Valentino behind him and the sound of someone being crushed.

'I will have to call the janitor'

Got closer to his bedroom door, he entered the code and the door automatically opened in front of him. His eyes widened when he saw a totally awake y/n looking up at his monitor , mouth wide opened matching her eyes.

"EUM", he fake cough out loud catching her attention as she turned around to look at him. Her hair was very messy, her makeup smeared into his face. He lets out a small chuckle.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare at your.. privates device", she said while looking at him with a soft smile and her eyes still a bit tired since she just woke up. "it's nothing darling, but you might want to take a look at yourself right now, not that you are not pretty you are absolutely ravishing in this dress, but you look....... Dead right now", he said while still smiling politely as he takes a another sip of his coffee.

She took her phone and put it in front of her face blushing from embarassement before snapping her fingers changing herself and her makeup. "Im sorry for the disturbance I will get going now", she began to walk away, but Vox catch her arms.

"Ts ts ts not that fast. I know you are invited to the overlords meeting this morning so I was wondering would you like to come with us...?", he reach his hand to y/n waiting for her to take it.

"Us ?

As Valentino, Velvette and you ?",  she expressed a face of disgust when the name of Valentino came out of her mouth. "Valentino is not coming today my dear don't you worry", he reach further his charming smile becoming heavier to persuade her.

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