Chapter 3

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Y/n promise Alastor that she would give visit more often so she was walking toward the hazbin hotel her hands in her pocket. She knocked on the door.
No response
She knocked a second times
The door swing opened. The princess of hell looked at y/n and her face light up with a big smile. "Omg !! Y/n it's you !! It's been so long enter ", she get our of the way and let y/n enter.

"Yes I'm sorry I have been so busy I hope I doesn't disturb anything", she smile softly looking at the blondy. "No of course not we were just doing some trust activity !", y/n nod and look at the living room where Nifty, Alastor, Husk and a giant snake she never seen before was sitting.

"I see you-", she got interrupted by Angel Dust running down the stairs yelling her name as he jumped on y/n hugging her tightly.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !!!", Y/n looked at Angel a bit confused as the rest of the cast too. "Thank you for what ?", she asked lifting one of her eyebrows in confusion.

"For the day off silly !!!", he yelled and hug her more tightly. "It's not really a day off since you will be working on stage for-", she got cut again by him.

"For me it's a day off !!! Off Valentino !", his tone was so happy and happy tears was starting to form on his eyes as I can see Husk mouth forming a small smile.

"1. Stop cutting me ! 2. I'm just happy I can help my friend Angel 3. You are ruining my clothes by gripping on them so tightly", I say the last part with a Alastor grins on my face and my eyes twitching. "Oh yeah I'm sorry !", he got off me and helps me fix my clothes.

"But how did you get Valentino to get me a day off ?!", we walked toward the couch and sit down as y/n waves at Alastor who smiles and waves back at her.

"Velvette asked me to do the runaway with her with my collection and model for her. I accept only if you have the right to be one of my model and have a day off", she ruffles Angel hair who frowned, but didn't say anything.

"When is it ?", Alastor said making everyone looks at him.

"Next week, do you want to come ?", Y/n smiled innocently and Alastor grins become heavier. "Of course ! I would be a bad friend if I don't come to encourage you !", Husk looks at him suspiciously.

"How about we all go !", Charlie said while getting up from her place.

"That would be awesome I'm sure I can get all of you places !"

"Miss, can I talk to you for a sec ?", Husk voice surprised y/n, he isn't the one to talk a lot and far away to ask random conversation. This time, Alastor looks at him suspiciously.

"Of course Husk", I get up and we go toward the bar where I sit on a stool.

"We knows damn well Alastor just do something when he can get something in return, you should be careful", he said while he cleans a glass. "And the vees will be there, I doubt he want to be friends with them now."

Y/n bites her lips. She can't denied that Alastor always do anything when he have benefits to do it, plus Vox will be there and we knows damn well they doesn't get along at all. She don't want to upset him by refusing he go to the runway. They just have to not see each other's.... Right ?

"I'm sure it will be fine Husk, we just have to make sure they doesn't see each others ! ", y/n said smiling and taking the glass Husk just served for himself drinking it.

"If you say so I just doesn't want anyone here to get hurt because of some bullshit kindergarten fight... Mostly Angel he has endured enough", he looks on the side at the last sentence a bit embarassed as y/n did small 'anwww'.

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