Chapter 4

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Y/n come back home and get her makeup done. She was struggling to chose the perfect outfit, her room now a complete mess with clothes all over the floor. She didn't know what to wear and Vox was all over her head
The idea of a man that she just meet was invading her head like that makes her crazy.

She finally find the perfect outfit. A black skirt with a white shirt with a leather coat. She smiles to herself in the miroir and fix her hair. She hears a hook sound outside and fastly put her heels before walking downstairs and opening the front door.

Vox was waiting in his car, the car didn't have a roof and look like a Porsche. He was scrolling through this phone while leaning against his non existent window waiting impatiently. He had changed his usual suit to a dark blue one with a red tie. He was looking absolutely handsome to y/n eyes. How could she find a tv handsome ? Don't know but who asks.

"Hi Vox !", y/n yelled walking toward the car, Vox attention was drag off his phone by her voice and he looks up.

His heart missed a beat and he hold himself so he doesn't blush too hard. He get up from his seat and turns around the car opening the door for her. "Hi Darling, you looks absolutely stunning", she sits down in the car as his eyes drift off her eyes to her body.

'fuck hold yourself Vox damn it', he thought before going back to his seat. He starts to drives toward the restaurant glancing at y/n from times to times who were looking at the window.

"It's been so long since I didn't do a tour in a car like this", she said while her hair was floating in the air.

"How long ?", he respond his eyes still fix on the road.

"Since I was alive..", she respond smiling awkwardly. While  her head was resting comfortably on the head rest of the seat. "You had a car like this ?", he really wanted to know more about her, more he sees her more something about her makes him obsessed.

"No I had a Tesla, but one of my ex boyfriend was having a convertible Porsche", Vox eyes twitch at the word boyfriend but he tried not to show it.

"But it was long ago", she let a soft chuckles as she turns to him. "And you ?".

"I had one when I was alive but a old model, I prefer this one", he looks at her and she nods softly. He chuckled and press the gaz pedal hard making her yelp and grips the car tightly.

She looks at Vox panicked and he was looking at the road with a big grins. She laughs and close her eyes tightly a bit scared. He glances at her for a second, his heart beating faster at her sign. Her hair floating, her hand gripping tightly on the car and her eyes closez but she was smiling and laughing. The most beautiful laugh he ever heard.

He slowly start to stop speeding that much and drift in front of the restaurant, clearly wanted to impressed y/n a bit. "We are here", he said while glancing at y/n. Her hair was messy from the wind of the speeding and she slowly opened her eyes untighten her grip on the car.

He unbuckled himself and fixed y/n hair who looks up at him. "better", he winks and they go out of the car. He takes her arm and she takes his.

The atmosphere of the restaurant was really luxurious. Crystal chandelier, golden plate, Diamonds on the wall for decorations and even the stairs ramp was made in a expensive materials.

Nothing new for either of them, but y/n was surprised she never went here since she was in hell.

"Reservation for Vox", Vox said while going to the hotess with his usual nonchalant face. The hotess take two menus and take them to their table. It was the best table of the establishment.

The view was fabulous, they were having a view on the probably best place in hell, a small red lake that was reflecting the sky with a small waterfall. Y/n didn't wanna admit it, but she was truly impress.

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