Chapter One

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"Are you sure you're okay watching Lilo?" Everly asked Jamie, as she slipped her phone into her back pocket.

"I've got her, Evie," Jamie replied, giving the Chapman girl a smile,"Don't worry about anything but your interview."

"You're right," Everly sighed,"I got to go, have fun."

    Everly practically ran out to her car to head to the doctor's office that was nearby their home. The woman and her little girl, lived with her brother, Leland, and his wife, Jamie. They had moved in with the two after Everly's fiancé was arrested. Well, he was her ex, but still, she left once he had been sent to jail. She and Lilo needed a new start, and her brother promised her a new start if she moved to Alabama with him, and leave Hawaii. She could always go back, she just needed time away from the Big Island for a bit.

    Once she got to the doctor's office, she checked herself in the mirror to make sure she looked sophisticated. She didn't want to look like a fool. After fixing her hair one last time, she headed inside and went to the front desk to talk to the receptionist. She was told to take a seat, then ten minutes later she was called back to talk to the woman who owned the doctor's office.

"Doctor Chapman, it's nice to meet you," The woman stuck out her hand for the girl to shake,"I'm doctor Riley. I'll be interviewing you today," The woman looked over Everly's resume again,"Now, from what I see in your resume, you've got plenty of experience."

"I've been working since I graduated high school. Matter of fact, I volunteered in an animal hospital when I was sixteen until I graduated." Everly said, a smile on her face.

"That's amazing," Doctor Riley commented,"My only problem is that you've got a better degree than my head doctor here, and you've got way more experience. I can only pay about two hundred and fifty thousand, but your worth is three or four, maybe more. I'm sorry, Doctor, but I don't think your spot is at this clinic. You have enough chance to get absolutely anywhere, and I believe you can do it."

"Oh, uh, thank you, doctor Riley," Everly replied, unsure of how to answer,"I'm sorry to waste your time."

"Oh, you've definitely not wasted my time," Doctor Riley answered,"I wish I could afford you. I think you should check to see who's hiring, because I really think there's a chance you'll find your place somewhere real soon."

    Everly left feeling really disheartened, since she had been turned down once again. She had to keep herself from letting tears fall, as she drove to the nearest Starbucks. She needed a coffee to try and get herself feeling a little better. She also bought one for Jamie, and bought a small drink for Lilo. Leland was at work, so she didn't want to bother him, though he always had a spot for her at his office.

"How'd it go?" Jamie asked the minute Everly cam inside, but when she handed Jamie a coffee, the woman knew Everly didn't get the job.

    If Everly would've gotten the job, she would've picked up more than just coffee. She would've picked up food and had a huge smile on her face. The poor girl had a frown on her face, and Jamie felt absolutely horrible for her.

"I'm sorry, Evie." Jamie murmured, as she pulled the girl into a hug.

"It's fine," Everly replied,"Maybe I wasn't meant to be a doctor. Maybe I was meant to be a bounty hunter afterall. Leland literally has me a spot open, I should just take it."

"No!" Jamie exclaimed,"You should live your dream!"

"It just seems impossible, Jamie." Everly said sadly, and Jamie smiled sympathetically and grabbed the girl's hand.

"Try it one more time. Just find something online, fill out an application, and if it doesn't work out, then you can work with Leland." Jamie stated, causing Everly to nod.

"I'm going to grab my laptop. Hopefully I'll find something." Everly commented, as she headed towards her room.

"Grab mine! I'll help you look!" Jamie called after her, and Everly smiled to herself.

    Everly went to her room and grabbed her laptop from her dresser, then went to Jamie's to get her laptop. Leland had a small office at home, but he had two computers in there, and nobody wanted to get their computers mixed up with his that he used mostly for work.

"Okay," Jamie murmured, as she opened her laptop and turned it on,"Do you just want a doctor job in general, or is there a specific type of doctor job that you're wanting?" She asked, and Everly sighed.

"At this point, I will take literally anything." She replied, causing Jamie to nod.

    Everly and Jamie browsed the job website for almost thirty minutes, before Jamie turned her laptop so Everly could see it. Doctor Wanted the ad read, but there really wasn't much detail as to who wanted a doctor, or where in the world the doctor was wanted.

"Apparently all you have to do is fill out a resume and they'll email you later with follow up questions or something if you're considered for the position." Jamie said, and Everly pursed her lips.

"They want a doctor who can diagnose injuries and treat them quickly," Everly summed up what she had read,"and they want one that knows how to do stitches, possibly prescribe low level medications when needed, and can work under any type of pressure."

"Didn't you say you worked in the ER after a hurricane, doesn't that count as working under extreme pressure?" Jamie asked, and Everly shrugged.

"I would assume so." She replied, causing Jamie to smile.

"I think we've found your job," Jamie said,"I feel like this one was meant for you. Fill this out while I try to find another just incase." She added, as the two switched laptops.

    Everly really hoped this was the one, because she wasn't sure she could handle another rejection. She really wanted to work in her dream job, but if she couldn't, she would deal. She just had to provide for her daughter, and give her everything she could now that all the girl had was her and her family...

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