Chapter Twenty Eight

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× Epilogue ×
× 6 months later ×

About three days ago, Phil had injured his knee during a match. The knee was badly injured, enough that it needed surgery. He had torn his meniscus, which was a major injury, and caused quite a lot of pain in his body. Since he refused pain medication, it made the healing process a lot harder.

Everly had decided to take time off to take care of him, since he really couldn't do much on his own at the moment. His knee was swollen, sore, and wasn't able to be moved much. Everly and Lilo were staying in his house in Chicago for the time she was taking care of him.

For the last three mornings, Everly woke up at eight, got dressed, and got everything ready to clean and dress Phil's knee. She didn't want there to be any chance for it to get infected, and she tried her best to keep some of the pain at bay by icing it and having him keep weight off it as much as possible.

"It's been three days," She commented, "You haven't showered, and you really need one

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"It's been three days," She commented, "You haven't showered, and you really need one. You went to surgery right after your match, and haven't had a chance to clean the sweat off yet. You're starting to get ripe."

"I know," He grumbled,"I just rather not do anything until my knee heals a little more for me to move and stand long enough on my own to shower."

"Look, we've been together for eight months," She said,"I've seen everything, so if you need to get a bath, I can help you."

Phil didn't say anything, but she could tell that he really needed the help. So, without another word, she went to his dresser, grabbed a pair of boxers and a pair of basketball shorts. She placed them on the bathroom counter top, before she ran a bit of water into the tub; enough to cover his ass, but not enough to cover the tiny stool that would prop his leg up out of the water.

Once she had everything ready, she practically carried him to the bathroom, and helped him undress. Honestly, if it was any other situation, he would've been all over her in that moment. As soon as he was undressed, she slowly helped him lower himself down into the tub. She grabbed a plastic cup from the cabinet and used it to wet his hair and body.

"I can bathe myself." He grumbled, causing her to smirk.

"Sit back and relax," She replied,"Not many can say they were bathed by my delicate hands."

Everly washed his hair first, then carefully washed his body. She was extra careful with his leg, making sure absolutely none of the water got into the area where he had been cut open. Once he was clean, she drained the water, and helped him dry off. She helped him put on his clothes, before bringing him back to his bed.

She ran a comb through his hair, brushing it back like he had always liked it to be. She then grabbed the things she needed to clean and disinfect his surgery area, since it was still counted as almost an open wound. He had staples, but they could easily pop and cause an open wound.

"You and Lilo should move in." Phil commented, causing Everly to stop her movements completely.

"Are you serious?" She asked, making him nod.

"Like you said, we've been together for eight months. You don't have to say yes, but I'd really like to have you both here to come home to, y'know?"

"We'd love to move in with you," She replied,"I'll text Jamie to let her know, and as soon as you're better, we'll go pack our things and move in."

"God, I love you." He murmured, as he pulled her to him for a kiss.

Everly almost didn't hear him, and she almost didn't believe him, but she did. He was the man of her dreams, and she knew she was in love with him. He was everything she and Lilo could ever need in their lives.

"I love you, too." She replied, a big grin on her face.

"What 'bout me?" They heard, and they turned to the doorway to see Lilo standing there with her stuffed badger in her hands.

"Of course, I love you, Lilo." Phil said, making her grin.

"And I will always love my little girl." Everly added, as she stood up from the bed for a moment to pick Lilo up.

Everly placed Lilo on the bed, and she carefully crawled up to lay beside Phil. Lilo knew about his injury, and the night it happened, she cried her eyes out knowing that he had gotten hurt and was in surgery. Phil was like her dad, he was her dad in all ways that mattered, and she loved him more than she'd ever loved her birth father.

Once Everly finished with Phil's leg, she cleaned up the scraps and such and threw everything away. She then cleaned up the bathroom, putting things where they needed to go. By the time she was done, she was feeling a bit tired. She walked into the bedroom and a smile graced her face at the sight in front of her.

Lilo was laying snuggled into Phil's side, and his arm was wrapped around her little body. Both of them were sound asleep, with their mouths hanging open slightly, and quiet snores leaving their lips. The TV was on low, an episode of The Ultimate Spider-Man was playing on the TV.

Everly snapped a picture of them, before she grabbed the large, black, fleece blanket from the end of the bed and covered them up. She really did love them more than anything in the world. They were the most important people to her, and she would do anything for them. She may not have believed in God as much as her family had, but she would thank God every day for the two people that laid asleep in this room at this moment. She was the happiest woman in the world, and she would give up anything to keep them forever...


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