Chapter Twenty Three

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"We've got two days in London," Phil commented,"Do you want to go on a date while we're here?" He asked, causing Everly's cheeks to turn pink.

"I'd really like that." She replied, making him smile.

"Get dressed," He said,"and you can dress up if you want, just wear comfortable shoes. I think we'll be walking around most of the time."

     Everly was so thankful she had brought fancy-ish clothes, even though she had almost considered not to

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     Everly was so thankful she had brought fancy-ish clothes, even though she had almost considered not to. She pulled on the clothes, curled her hair a bit, and put on a little makeup. Once she was dressed, she stepped out of the bathroom in the hotel, and walked over to the bed to slip on some shoes.

"You look beautiful." Phil complimented, causing her to smile.

"Thank you," She replied,"and you're looking good yourself."

     He was wearing dark jeans, a white shirt, and a Chicago Cubs hat on his head. He wore shoes that looked exactly like hers, so it was like they had decided to match, except she wasn't wearing a hat on her head like he was.

"Let's get moving," He said,"I've got quite a few places for us to go before dinner tonight."

     The first place they went was to see Big Ben, which was absolutely amazing. Everly had always wanted to see Big Ben, but it had never been an option until now. She had even taken a picture to send it to Jamie, since the woman knew just how much the girl had wanted to see it for so long.

     After seeing Big Ben, Phil took her to the Harry Potter store that was located in London. They ended up spending almost an hour inside of the store, since Everly bought quite a bit of stuff. Phil bought stuff as well, but he wasn't as huge of a fan of Harry Potter as Everly was. He had even purchased a Hufflepuff robe for Lilo, as well as a stuffed badger that was wearing Hufflepuff gear.

      As soon as they left the store, Phil brought her to Buckingham Palace, which costed a bit to have a little tour. She was a bit surprised when he took her to see St. Paul's Cathedral after that, then Westminster Abbey. She wondered if he had just gotten a guide book of places people visited in London.

"We'll go see a couple more Harry Potter themed places," Phil commented, "then we're going to eat."

"Sounds good to me." She replied, making him smile.

     First, they went to King's Cross Station, to see Platform 9 3/4, where Everly took pictures. Phil then took her to Wand & Wizard Exploratorium, where they were able to get wands, try spells, and make tea. Not to forget that they had some of the best treats that really reminded Everly of the treats she'd see in the movies, and described in the books.

     Then they took a walk through Leadenhall Market, which was where Diagon Alley was filmed for the movies. The area was absolutely beautiful, and Everly couldn't help herself but to stop in a couple places to purchase things. After that, they went to Piccadilly Circus, which was where Harry, Hermione, and Ron all made an apperceive after the Death Eater attack at Bill and Fleur's wedding.

     They would've went to "The Cauldron Bar," to try making potions, which was just alcoholic drinks that they could drink afterward, but neither were into drinking. Phil was very Straight Edge, and though Everly took medicine sometimes when she was really in pain or something, she was very close to being on the same level as Phil. They went to Hemley's instead, which was a huge toy store, but they had a whole area devoted to Harry Potter, where Everly was able to get a Hedwig.

     Finally, Phil brought her to Warner Bros Studio for a tour of the Harry Potter set. Honestly, it was the most amazing thing she had ever seen. She was so thankful that Phil had thought of every place imaginable to bring her for the date. This was the best date she had ever been on, and it was all thanks to Phil.

"After we eat, we can stop by the London Zoo," He said, "and I may one final surprise after all of this."

     Phil took her to a somewhat fancy restaurant, that had a little bit of every type of food. Phil ordered a vegetarian Shepherd's Pie, and Everly ordered a vegetarian pasta bake. They also ordered desserts; the two decided to order a few different desserts to try, since Everly had a sweet tooth. They ordered macaroon bars, strawberry trifle, jaffa cakes, and sticky toffee pudding.

"I hope you know, food isn't the only reason I brought you here." Phil commented, causing her to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What else did you have in mind?" She asked, making him smirk.

"I wanted to make this more official," He said,"We both agreed that we wanted to be together, but we never made anything offical," He bit his lip,"So, Evie, would you be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to." She replied, making him smile.

"This was so cheesy," He joked,"but at least we didn't draw a crowd." He added, causing her to laugh quietly.

     After they ate, Phil told her there was one more surprise. Phil lead her towards an area that she hadn't been yet, and when they came to a small hotel, she wondered why they were there. He simply gave her a smile, before leading her inside, and to the front desk where they checked in. They were then lead to a door, which looked just like it was hidden behind a bookcase. When they entered, Everly gasped. It looked just like a scene out of Harry Potter.

"This place is amazing." She gasped, and he squeezed her hand lightly.

"Only the best for my girl." He murmured, causing her heart to skip a beat in her chest.

     He truly was amazing...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I simply Googled all the places for this chapter. If some is not correct, or there's places you wished they went to, you can comment, especially if I was wrong about something, that way I can know for future reference.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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