Chapter Six

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    Everly had worked with the WWE for a month at this point, and Lilo was traveling with her. Lilo had fun being backstage when Everly wasn't busy, and with the nanny when Everly was busy. Stephanie had given Everly a few different phone numbers, and she was surprised when she had found someone that was actually good at being a nanny.

     Everly was about to get dressed, when her phone started ringing. She knew it wasn't Pearl, the nanny, so she wondered who would be calling her an hour before she had to be at the arena. Everyone that would call, knew that she needed the hour to get ready and make sure she had everything together before she went to the arena.


"Hey doctor Chapman, it's Stephanie," The woman said,"Have you gotten dressed yet for the show?"

"No." She answered, furrowing her eyebrows in question.

"Good," She heard a small bit of relief in the woman's voice,"I didn't want to make you have to change. I need you to dress a bit extra today."


"During the show tonight, Cody Rhodes will be getting a planned injury, meaning he won't really be injured, but you'll have to pretend he is for the show," Stephanie replied,"You'll be running out with a small team of meds with you, so we want you to dress up. The world has seen you, but I kind of want you to be seen dressed up almost like you were meant to be some superhero."

"I can do that." Everly answered, feeling relieved that she wasn't getting fired.

"Oh! And there'll be a rival Superstar running out while Cody's being checked over. Bring your spunk, and protect your patient."

    Everly felt her heart skip a beat when Stephanie ended the phone call. She hadn't expected such instructions from her boss. She was excited to be finally getting the extra part of her job like she had signed up for. She wasn't completely sure what to expect, but she was definitely excited.

"You ready to go, Lilo?" Everly called,"Pearl is waiting on us

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"You ready to go, Lilo?" Everly called,"Pearl is waiting on us." She added, as she left the bathroom of the hotel room they were staying in.

"Yes, Mommy." Lilo answered, giving Everly a large smile.

"Wanna get Starbucks on the way?" Everly asked, and Lilo nodded excitedly.

    Everly grabbed her purse and headed out of the hotel room with Lilo. As they were headed towards the lobby, they met with a few of the performers in the elevator.

"Hey, doctor Chapman!" They greeted, a few of them mumbling.

"Hey, everyone." She replied, giving each of them a smile.

"Who's this?" AJ asked, squatting down to Lilo's height.

"This is my little girl, Lilo." She answered, and the Divas 'aww'ed.

"You named her after that Disney movie, didn't you?" The large Samoan, Roman Reigns, asked, and Everly nodded.

"It was my favorite. When my nephews were little, they would have me sit and watch it with them for hours at a time." She replied, giving the man a smile.

"You girls headed to the arena already?" Paige asked, causing the woman to shake her head.

"No, we're stopping at Starbucks first. Lilo loves to try new drinks," Everly answered,"And don't worry, I make sure there's no crazy amounts of caffeine, and absolutely no coffee or espresso in any of her drinks; mine on the other hand..."

    The women laughed, and soon the elevator stopped at the lobby floor. When the doors opened, everyone began to file out of the elevator.

"Hey, do you two mind a tag along?" AJ asked, as she quickly caught up with the mother and daughter.

"No, we'd love a tag along." Everly replied, and AJ grinned.

"I'll buy," AJ said,"and we can head to the arena together."

    The two women and the little girl walked across the street to the Starbucks. Everly ordered a venti mocha cookie crumble Frappuccino, AJ got a venti pistachio steamed cold brew, and Lilo got a grande strawberry crème Frappuccino, but hers was caffeine free. Against Everly's wishes, AJ also bought them food, considering they were going to be working for a few hours. Lilo got a grilled cheese on sourdough, and AJ and Everly got a ham and swiss on a baguette. They would've gotten normal bread, but this was how the sandwiches originally came.

    AJ being the sweetheart she was, bought Lilo a couple birthday cake flavored cake pops. Honestly, in the near half an hour that Everly got to know AJ, she wondered if this girl could really be her friend. Sure, all of the others were nice, but AJ was genuinely more friendly than most of the others. She wasn't just professionally nice.

"Hey, we should hang out sometime when you're not busy," AJ suggested,"I think we'd be good friends."

"I'd like that," Everly replied,"as long as you know that Lilo will probably be with us almost all the time we hang out."

"Yeah," AJ nodded,"No, I get that, I really like her. She's adorable and I'd love for her to be able to hang out with us, too."

    AJ and Everly talked the rest of the way to the arena. They had a rental car. Everly would've brought her own car, but she was told it would be easier if she just took planes like everyone else, and used the rentals that the company provided. She was still having trouble getting use to how much the company provided, but did like the fact that the expenses didn't come out of her pocket.

    Once Everly got to the arena, Pearl met her outside to get Lilo. Pearl was a nice older woman; reminded her a lot like Cora, Madea's daughter in all those hilarious Madea movies. Everly use to watch them all the time when she wasn't working, but it seemed she didn't really get the chance now. Anyway, Pearl was one of the best women Everly had ever met, and she knew for a fact Lilo was safe with the woman while she was working...

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