Chapter Eight

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     Everly had been so busy after her talk with Stephanie, that she hadn't been able to talk with Punk before the show started a few days later. Even thought she was busy though, Everly and AJ were able to hang out a bit. They got to know each other quite well, to the point that AJ offered to share a hotel room with her and Lilo at the next stop.

     Everly wasn't sure what it was, but something about AJ made her feel friendly and welcoming. She felt as though she could trust AJ, which wasn't something she felt with many others too often. Honestly, Everly was known for being a really closed off person, even if it wasn't her fault, it was just something she did to protect herself and Lilo.

     Anyhow, AJ took Lilo out for a bit, while Everly got ready for the show. Again, Everly had to be there a bit early, but that was just something she'd have to do for each show — eventually she'd get use to it. AJ had offered to take Lilo out for a bit, and though Everly was hesitant, she did feel that she could trust AJ. If Lilo came back upset, she'd know she was wrong for trusting AJ, but something was telling her that AJ was a good person.

     By the time Everly had finished getting ready, AJ came back with Lilo

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     By the time Everly had finished getting ready, AJ came back with Lilo. The little girl had been giggling when she entered the hotel room, and that brought a smile to Everly's face. She knew now that AJ could be trusted with Lilo if Pearl was unable to care for her at times, or if Pearl messed up and was fired by Everly at a random moment, or something along those lines.

"You look great!" AJ complimented,"Other than the fact that you look like you might be headed to a funeral." She added, and Everly chuckled.

"I felt like I needed to look more professional, I guess," Everly replied,"Not really doctor professional, more like business professional."

"Girl, they wanted you to be yourself, so don't worry about dressing professional," AJ said,"Besides, I liked the way you were dressing before, so don't change because you're doubting yourself. You're perfect any way you are and any way you dress."

"Thank you," Everly blushed slightly,"Well, I'm definitely not changing today, I don't have time. Next show I will get back to myself." She commented, and AJ gave her a grin.

"Let's go!" AJ practically cheered,"I got my attire in my bag on my bed. We can stop by my room, then we can all go to the arena together."

"You don't have to be there yet." Everly murmured, causing AJ to shrug and giggle.

"Anyone can get there early," She answered,"Besides, I wanted to hang out some more before the show. I mean, we're practically besties, so we need to hang out as much as we can."

"Sorry, I obviously wasn't thinking," Everly joked,"we can stop and get your bag."

     Everly and Lilo waited by the door, while AJ went into her hotel room and grabbed her gym bag that held her ring gear. Sometimes the Divas would have a huge bag, other times the bags would be small. AJ was one of the few girls that used a small bag, but she was a small girl, so her gear didn't take up much space. Her shoes were the thing that took up the most space.

     Everly was the one to drive them to the arena. AJ helped Lilo out of the rental car, and lead her inside. Everly was close behind them, and smiled as she watched her daughter get along with someone other than herself and their family. Lilo was a bit shy sometimes, so it was good to see her interacting with new people.

"I can watch her when you're working," AJ commented,"My match is third, and your skit with Punk isn't until close to the end of the show. I'll keep her while you're working, if that's okay?"

"Yeah, that's okay," Everly smiled,"I'll call Pearl and tell her that I've got Lilo covered for the night."

     Pearl was very understanding, and luckily she had been running late, so she hadn't even left her hotel yet. She was almost grateful that Everly had found someone to watch Lilo, since she wasn't sure when she'd get to the arena. Lilo was an easy girl to care for, but sometimes stress made just about anyone impossible to deal with.

     Everly began to set up the office a little more than she would, considering Stephanie had told her that Punk was kind of going to "ambush" her in her office. Everly wanted to look like a professional, smart, and organized doctor. Having tons of boxes filled with medical supplies put off to the side was definitely not the image she wanted anyone to see, especially on national television.

"I'll leave her here with you during my match," AJ said,"I hope you don't mind. I know I'm babysitting, but I have to--"

"It's fine," Everly grinned,"She's my baby, I can watch her for thirty minutes. I've had to watch her for years, so I doubt a few minutes will bother me."

"I just don't want you to get in trouble for having her in here." AJ commented, making Everly smile again.

"I won't get in trouble, besides, if they try to say anything, I'll pull the single mother card." Everly answered, and AJ laughed.

     Everly really was happy that she had become friends with AJ. The girl was so kind and funny, not to mention that she had a heart of pure gold, and always worried about others. She had offered up her free time to watch Everly's daughter, not asking anything in return, and that made Everly feel a little relieved. She knee AJ was meant to be her best friend, and it seemed Lilo was the one to bring the friendship to a start...

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