Chapter Nine

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    Everly was given a heads up that she was going to be filming in her office. She didn't know exactly what was going to happen, but she knew it had to do with the storyline she was a part of. Stephanie had informed her that they were going to build the storyline as quick as possible, since people hated when a storyline was too slow and didn't get anywhere fast.

    After her match, AJ had gotten out of her ring gear, before she came by and took Lilo for the rest of the night. She didn't have anything else to do, and she knew Everly had some more work to do throughout the night. Lilo was an easy child to watch, since she was very respectful, kind, and mindful.

    Everly's night wasn't all slow and boring before her small appearance on tv. She actually had a couple different Superstars coming into her office for medical reasons. She had to wrap a shoulder, she had to check on a cut on a Superstar's forehead, and she had to wrap a Diva's ankle, after a match where the Diva accidentally sprained it. The Diva wasn't in the match, she was escorting a Superstar, but during this time, she was knocked over, and managed to sprain her ankle.

    While Everly was filling out some paperwork, which was something she had to do after giving any medical attention, the door to her office burst open. She was startled, so it wasn't really a surprise when she had jumped when it happened. She seen Punk entering the office, and two camera men following behind him.

"What gives you the right to tell me what to do?" He spat,"You're nothing here, Chapman, you don't have a place."

"I'm a doctor, I do what is best for my patients." She retorted, and he smirked.

"A doctor?" He questioned rhetorically, "A doctor doesn't dress like a child. A doctor dresses professionally, not like Wednesday Addams."

"The way I dress has nothing to do with my skills," She said,"I'm a good doctor. I can do anything anyone needs me to do, which includes making the self-proclaimed best in the world back off."

"Well, doctor, next time you get in my way, I won't be backing down. I will get to whoever you're protecting, rather I have a clear shot, or I have to go right through you," He stated, before turning to the door,"If I were you, I'd heed my warning."

    Everly let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair, to act as though she was stressed for the cameras. Once the cameras were gone, she went right back to her work. Truth be told, she actually liked how Punk precieved himself on tv. She liked that she actually felt a little anxious when he was angry at her on screen. Not many people could get an actual emotional reaction out of her, but he seemed to be good enough at his job to do so.

    While she was sitting at the desk, putting the paperwork in the binder that would be picked up later, she heard her phone start to ring. She pulled it from her purse, and seen that Leland had been calling her. After she looked up at the door to make sure nobody was walking in for medical assistance, she picked up her phone and answered it.


"Hey, Evie. How's it?"

"Are you watching tonight?"

"Yeah, Jamie's watching with me. Kota and Cobie are watching, but Leiah's busy, so she can't watch tonight."

"They're there with you?"

"No, Cobie is, but Kota called earlier to see if we were watching, too."

"Did you guys just assume I was going to be on screen?" She chuckled,"You know what they say about assuming."

"You told Jamie the other day about the storyline, and she told me. She told me that you wanted to tell me, but I was busy when you called. She really couldn't keep it a secret, she was too excited for you."

"It's fine, I forgive her, but she's really got to work on that."

"I'll let her know," He laughed,"I am proud of you, Evie. You're making a name for yourself like you always wanted, maybe more than just being a doctor, but you're still a doctor nonetheless, and I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Leland. That really means the world to me."

"Have you talked to anyone else?"

"No, nobody's called me since I told everyone the news," She sighed,"I know a phone works both ways, but still, not one phone call. Well, Dad called a few nights ago, but the call barely lasted five minutes."

"You know he's still grieving."

"I know, but it still hurt either way."

"I'm sorry, Evie," He sighed,"I don't know why everyone else isn't calling. Doesn't matter though, you have us, and Dad, and you don't need anyone else."

"If they do eventually I forgive them?"

"That's up to you, Evie. I'm not going to tell you what you should do. It's not my life, but I think if they call and give you a reason for why they haven't called, maybe you should hear them out. You don't have to forgive them, but you can listen to whatever excuse they're going to give you."

    While talking to her brother, she heard a knock on the office door.

"I've got to go, I've got work to do," Everly said,"I'll talk to you later."

"Have fun," Leland replied,"I love you."

"I love you, too."

    The door opened a moment later, and AJ walked in with Lilo. Lilo brought a bowl of purple grapes over to Everly with a smile on her face. Everly's heart swelled at the sight, knowing her daughter had thought about her. Lilo was such a sweet and kind soul, Everly was so proud of how wonderful her little girl was. She truly was the light in the darkness that was life...

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