Chapter Fifteen

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     Tonight was Smackdown, and Lilo was finally well enough to come backstage again. AJ had decided that she would watch her, since she had been the one helping since Lilo got sick. Honestly, Everly couldn't ask for a better best friend, the girl was amazing. Everly planned to one day had a girls day with her soon, so they could hang out and do all fun things because of how much she helped out recently.

     Anyhow, knowing that Smackdown was going to be different tonight, Everly put on something other than heels or a skirt. She didn't want to chance anything on live TV, because that would really embarrass her, and probably her family as well.

"You stay close to AJ tonight, okay?" Everly said, as they entered the arena,"You're still a little sick, and we don't want to chance you getting any more sick

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"You stay close to AJ tonight, okay?" Everly said, as they entered the arena,"You're still a little sick, and we don't want to chance you getting any more sick."

"Otay, Mommy." Lilo replied, giving the woman a big smile.

"I'll see you in a couple of hours, sweetheart." Everly added, as she kissed the top of her daughter's head.

"Don't forget your skit with Punk tonight." AJ commented, and Everly smiled.

"I haven't," She replied,"I just hope it isn't too wild."

     AJ and Everly shared a laugh, before Everly headed to her "office." When she entered, there was way less boxes than normal, but what boxes were there, had been unpacked to make the room look professional. She almost wondered if she was in the wrong room, but then she seen the note on her desk.

   'I had a crew set up the room, so your skit will be perfect. Good luck.   - Stephanie'

     She was glad that Stephanie had such faith in her, considering Everly wasn't exactly an actress or a Diva. Everly didn't care though, she liked feeling like she was actually doing something right. A small voice in her head was making her worry that she was actually doing wrong, but now she knew she wasn't.

     About ten minutes after the show started, her skit was about to happen. She began doing fake paperwork again, as she heard Punk outside. This time, he was shouting "where is she?!" as he walked through the backstage. When he came to her office, he kicked the door in and stomped over to her desk.

"What is wrong with you?!" He shouted,  shoving the desk back slightly, causing her to stand.

"You need to chill out." She said, causing him to scoff.

"You got me banned from the ring tonight!" He spat,"You just had to go crying to Stephanie and Hunter like some child! You're such a bitch!"

"What did you expect me to do, huh?" She questioned, her voice raising,"You threatened me because of the medical diagnosis I made. You were hurt, and you still threatened me for doing my job."

"Because your diagnosis, doctor, was a lie!" He sneered,"You lied! You wouldn't have done this to Cody Rhodes, but me, for some reason you really like passing me off."

"I do what is best for each Superstar and Diva that comes through that door, Punk, so don't go making false accusations," She retorted,"Y'know, I'm glad you were banned from the ring tonight, maybe you'll finally learn a lesson. You aren't the best in the world, and completely untouchable. You're just like everyone else."

     Everly knew it was going to happen, it had been slightly scripted. Punk became angry, and he shoved her against the wall. She had to make it look real, so when she hit the wall, her head hit it slightly making a thud noise. She looked at him with wide eyes, as his hands held firmly to her upper arms, forcing her to stay pressed against the wall.

"I am the best in the world," He spat, "and I will always be better than everyone in this stupid company."

     Punk let go of her, leaving slight red marks on her arm, before he watched her for a moment then left the room. The skit was over, and Everly was finally able to move like a normal person. Her head was a little sore from hitting the wall, but it was nothing a little Tylenol couldn't help.

     Anyhow, at the end of the show, Phil came into the office to see if Everly was ready to go. He had his ring gear packed into his little duffle, and he had on his sweatpants and a new shirt that Everly had bought him a couple of days ago because she thought it looked cool. It was the Batman symbol, but the inside of the symbol was the skyline of Chicago.

"You ready to go?" He asked, and Everly nodded.

"Yeah, just got to get Lilo from AJ." She replied, as she grabbed her phone and slid it into her pocket.

     Everly headed to the Divas' locker room, where AJ would take Lilo sometimes when everyone was leaving, so she wouldn't get lost in the crowd of people. Everly walked into the locker room with Phil behind her.

     At first, Lilo had a big grin on her face when she seen her mother, but when she glanced behind her and seen Phil, she screamed. The little girl quickly ran over to AJ and hid behind her legs. Everly and Phil looked confused at first, but AJ realized what was wrong with Lilo a second later.

"She must have seen the skit." AJ murmured, and both adults looked at the little girl with wide eyes.

"C'mon Lilo, there's no reason to be scared." Everly cooed, as she carefully reached for her daughter.

"No!" Lilo screamed,"I don' wanna go! He's bad!"

     Everly felt her heart beat speeding up, knowing that she wasn't exactly going to change the little girl's mind. Lilo wouldn't believe it, if she had seen what happened on Smackdown between her and Punk. Meanwhile, Phil felt his heart breaking slightly. He hadn't meant to scare Lilo, he was just doing his job. He didn't want the little girl to be scared of him, she admittedly meant too much to him for that...

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