Chapter Twenty Six

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     The next couple of weeks was much slower than what they had been dealing with before. AJ had asked for a girls day, and since Everly needed time to get her hair cut again, she agreed to a girls day. Phil had offered to watch Lilo for her, so it was going to be a Lilo and Phil day.

      After Everly had gotten dressed, she messaged AJ, and while waiting the girl decided to say goodbye to her daughter and Phil

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      After Everly had gotten dressed, she messaged AJ, and while waiting the girl decided to say goodbye to her daughter and Phil. She was so happy that Phil had wanted to spend the day with Lilo, without having to be asked or paid like a babysitter.

"You plannin' on going to a basketball game or being in a hip-hop music video?" Phil asked, as he hugged Everly.

"Neither, but I guess if I get the chance for the video..." She trailed off, making him chuckle.

"Don't even think about it," He retorted, "If you really want to be in a music video, try bein' in a rock video, like Linkin Park or Metallica."

"I've got to go," She laughed,"promise my baby will still be the way I left her."

"I promise," He replied,"Well, except she'll be fed and probably be happier."

     The two shared a laugh, before Everly headed out of the bus. She walked out to AJ's car, and the two went off into the city. Phil watched them leave from the window, before he turned to Lilo.

"Are ya hungry, doll?" He asked, causing the little girl to nod.

"Pancakes?" She suggested, making Phil chuckle.

"Sure," He replied,"Let's get dressed, and we'll head out for the day."

     Phil picked out some clothes for Lilo and placed them on her bunk. He then went to his room and began to get dressed. While he was tying his shoes, Lilo ran in with her shirt and socks on, but she didn't have her pants on. Her pants were in her hands, as she ran over to Phil.

"I need help, I can't do it." She said, handing him the pants.

     He chuckled, as he grabbed the pants and helped her get her pants on. Once her pants were on, he helped her slip on her shoes. He then used Everly's hair brush to brush out Lilo's hair, and put it into little pigtails.

"You ready to go?" He asked, and she quickly nodded

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"You ready to go?" He asked, and she quickly nodded.

     Phil picked her up and carried her off of the bus. The driver had been told where to go, so they would be there by the time Phil and Lilo were ready. He brought her inside and got them a table away from the big groups of people.

"What can I get you two?" A waiter asked, as he walked over with a bright smile on his face.

"She wants chocolate milk and pancakes with a side of strawberries," Phil motioned to the little girl,"and I want a Pepsi and a veggie breakfast platter with a bowl of fruit on the side."

     While they were waiting for their food, a couple guys came over to the table. The guys were rather excited and they looked a little high compared to a normal person. Phil wasn't sure how to respond at first, but when the guys tried to almost push Lilo further into the booth, he got mad.

"Excuse me, but I'm trying to have breakfast with my kid," Phil spat,"You should leave."

"Listen man, we just wanted your autograph and a couple pictures," One of the men said,"Besides, I've done enough research to know that you don't have a kid."

"I don't care what you want, you need to leave us alone," He retorted,"and as for your research, you're wrong. She sitting right here, so if I were you, I'd leave us alone before you're escorted out in handcuffs for harassment."

"Fine!" The other man retorted, "Fucking asshole!"

"I'm sorry sir," The waiter came back over,"I will have those men kicked out immediately. We didn't mean to have you and your child bombarded by those men." He said, and Phil simply waved him off.

"It's alright," He replied,"We're okay."

     The waiter merely nodded, before he had the men kicked out of the diner. After breakfast, Phil brought Lilo out to get a new stuffed animal and a few other things if she wanted it. He didn't mind spending money on her, she was his girlfriend's daughter, and she meant a lot to him; both of them did.

     After getting a new stuffed bear, as well as a couple of shirts and a new pair of shoes, Phil and Lilo dropped the stuff off on the bus, before Phil brought her out to the zoo he had looked up while they were eating breakfast. It had just opened, so he hoped there wouldn't be too many people there to bother him and Lilo.

"Can we see the lions?" She asked, and he was quick to agree.

     Lilo walked at his side, with her tiny fingers wrapped around two of his. Her hand was very small compared to his, but it wasn't really a surprise, considering she wasn't that old yet. Once she got older, her hands would grow, and Phil and Everly's would seem so gigantic compared to hers.

     Phil brought her to the lions first, then they went on to look the tigers, cougars, jaguars, brown bears, polar bears, penguins, monkeys, red pandas, regular pandas, desert fox, and so many other animals. Everly had the absolute best time, especially when they went to the butterfly exhibit. A butterfly landed on the top of her head and another on her cheek. Phil had taken plenty of photos and sent them all to Everly.

     By the time they were headed back to the bus, Lilo was so exhausted, she fell asleep in Phil's arms with her head laying on his shoulder. He felt his heart swell at the sight, and he couldn't help but feel proud of himself. This little girl really did mean a lot to him, and he was going to everything he could to make her happy and make sure she grew up to be the perfect, caring, and loved little girl she was meant to be...

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