Chapter Eleven

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     Everly was starting to think that Lilo had the flu, considering her temperature had still not gone down. It stayed in the 100s, but most hospitals wouldn't care until her temperature was more than 103 for a long period of time. Everly was really starting to worry, but there really wasn't too much she could do at the time.

     Everly stayed up well past midnight to watch over her daughter. She had even ordered a fan to have blowing on Lilo the entire time she slept. The air conditioning was on in the room as well, but still Lilo's temperature was up. The woman wanted to believe that Lilo could just sleep off whatever was wrong, but she couldn't be too sure.

     Eventually, Everly fell asleep next to her daughter, with her body leaned up against the headboard of the bed. The TV was on to give a little noise, and both lamps on the bedside tables were on, so Everly could see if something was wrong. There was a couple of times before where Lilo threw up in bed, but didn't wake up, and would roll over in it, and Everly did not want that to happen.

     Around three in the morning, Everly woke up because she felt the bed jerk. She looked down, and her eyes widened. Her daughter was seizing, and she didn't really know what to do. She never had to handle something like this before. She remembered watching a couple episodes of different shows where the patient had a seizure, and she hoped what she remembered from the shows was at least similar to what she was taught in her first week of medical school. She never really learned much about seizures, since it seemed everyone just assumed people knew what to do. She rolled her daughter over on her side and pulled the blankets off of her.

     The woman was trying her best not to cry, as she grabbed her phone and dialed 9-1-1. She needed to get Lilo to the hospital, otherwise more things could happen and Everly couldn't handle much more. She knew that if she didn't get an ambulance, her daughter could potentially get worse, or possibly lose her life.

     When Lilo came out of her seizure, she was very disoriented, and she had accidentally peed all over herself and the bed. She was crying her eyes out, and Everly had to try her best to calm the little girl down to the point where she was at least not screaming. Knowing the EMTs would need to be able to get into her room, she quickly ran over to the door and propped it open, before going back over to her daughter.

"Evie?! Lilo?!" She heard, before AJ ran in,"Oh God, what happened?!"

"She had a seizure, I called an ambulance. We're waiting for them to show up." Everly replied, trying to stay calm.

"We should get her cleaned up before they arrive. At least get her in dry clothes." AJ commented, knowing Everly was doing everything to try and keep herself calm for Lilo.

     AJ went to Lilo's bag and grabbed new pajamas and a pair of underwear. She then ran to the bathroom and got a washcloth. She wet the washcloth, before she ran back to Lilo and Everly. Everly quickly stripped her daughter's clothes, and used the washcloth to clean her up a bit, before slipping her into new clothes.

"I'll let room service know that a medical emergency happened, and I'll pay for whatever they need, okay?" AJ offered,"You just take care of Lilo, I got the rest covered."

"Thank you." Everly replied, and AJ smiled.

     Soon, the paramedics arrived, and after assessing Lilo and hearing everything Everly had to say, they decided to load her into an ambulance and head to the hospital. Many of the Superstars and Divas had stepped out of their rooms or peeked out and seen what was going on. It didn't take long for Everly's phone to blow up with messages, most hoping for the best, others asking what had happened.

     Punk had seen the flashing lights of the ambulance when he had gotten up for water. He wondered who needed an ambulance at three in the morning, but his heart dropped to his stomach when he seen Lilo on a stretcher with Everly walking beside her. He was quick to slip on his shoes and run out the bus.

"What's going on? What happened?" He asked, as the paramedics got the stetcher ready to load into the ambulance.

"She had a seizure, and her temperature is still way up. They decided it was best if she went to the hospital to get checked out." Everly replied, and he frowned.

"I'll meet you there." He said, making her furrow her eyebrows.

"What? No! It's three in the morning, you need to sleep." She argued, but he shook his head.

"I don't care, I'll meet you there. I'll take my bus, and I'll go back out to it if I need sleep. Right now, that little girl is what matters."

"Ms Chapman," A paramedic called,"We're ready to go."

     Everly shared one last look with Punk, before she climbed into the back of the ambulance with Lilo. She held Lilo's hand in hers, hoping to give her daughter some comfort. The paramedics were doing as much as they could to keep her calm, and try to prevent another seizure from happening.

     In that moment, Everly felt like a failure. She was a doctor, yet she couldn't do anything for her daughter. It was like all of her medical knowledge had been erased from her mind the moment Lilo started seizing. She had become a doctor to help people, but it seemed she couldn't help the one person that meant the most to her. She inwardly scolded herself for being such a failure. Her family would be so disappointed in her, she knew they would, and honestly, she really wouldn't blame them...

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