Chapter Twenty

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     A few days later was Smackdown, where their "confession" was supposed to take place. She and Phil hadn't really talked about the kiss or anything. She didn't talk to her brother about it either, since she wanted to figure some things out herself first. She was confused, but so was Phil, so it really wasn't working out well in their favor; either of them.

     AJ had been busy, but Kofi had offered to watch Lilo while Everly worked

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     AJ had been busy, but Kofi had offered to watch Lilo while Everly worked. Kofi and Lilo had gotten along really well when Lilo went with him, Leland, and Phil to the gym. Kofi had been around since then, and Lilo really liked him. He was a funny guy, and Everly really didn't mind him either, she thought he was cool.

     When Everly got into the arena, she was nervous about seeing Phil for more than five seconds. The two barely talked to each other, other than when they had a small talk about the fact that everything was awkward and they were just friends. It didn't make anything less awkward though, only more awkward if anything.

"You're on in five." AJ commented, as she walked past to get ready for her match.

"Thanks." Everly murmured, knowing she just wanted to run away and hide.

     Everly sighed shakily and ran her fingers through her hair.

"I was hoping to see you." She heard, causing her to turn around.

"Why?" She asked, crossing her arms, making Punk smirk.

"Oh, C'mon Evie, don't tell me that you forgot about the little incident near catering." He commented, causing her to sigh.

"I remember," She murmured,"I just figure you forgot."

"How could I forget someone as beautiful as you?" He flirted, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"So, are we over the petty arguments, or are you simply leading up to one?" She questioned, and he smirked.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you," He commented,"Honestly, Evie, I think you and I...we could set the world on fire, sweetheart."

"What's that mean? Hm?"

"I think you know what it means," He replied,"So, what do you say?"

"Let's set the world on fire." She murmured, making his smirk turn into a real smile.

     As their conversation ended, the two heard Everly's name being called out in the ring. The two turned towards the monitor nearby, and see Cody Rhodes in the ring. He was in his street clothes, meaning he didn't have a match tonight.

"Oh doctor Chapman," Cody bellowed,"I know you can hear me. I hope you're listening. Actually, I hope your little boy toy is listening right now," He smirked towards the camera,"CM Punk, you went from arguing with the doctor, to boinking the doctor, isn't that a change in events," The crowd cheered,"Now that I know she's your little weakness though, I think I'll take that to my advantage," The crowd booed,"So, Punk, if you don't face me at the pay-per-view in a no disqualifications match, I will hurt your pretty little doctor, and I won't feel sorry for it, but you will."

     While still on camera, Everly turned to Punk with a concerned look on her face. The camera fades out, and the two are able to leave the area. While the two were walking away, Phil gathered the courage to grab Everly's wrist.

"What?" She asked, causing him to sigh.

"You mind talking in the office real quick?" He asked,"I just got shit to say, and I doubt you want everyone to know."

     She simply nodded, and soon followed close behind him towards her office at the arena. She let him walk in first, and once they were both in the room, she closed the door behind them. The atmosphere in the room was awkward, and Everly really just wanted to leave.

"I think we can learn a thing or two from this storyline." Phil said, causing Everly to raise her eyebrow in question.

"Yeah? What?" She asked, making him sigh slightly.

"I know you know what I'm talking about," He commented,"I know that you're not stupid, and you know I don't like people act like they're stupid to avoid shit," He bit his lip,"So, are you going to be one of those people?"

"Phil..." She trailed off for a moment,"I don't want to mess things up. I'm a damaged person. The last person I let into my life was Lilo's father, and he hurt us. He hurt both of us, and I know you won't, but I'm so scared of letting someone into our lives that would do it again."

"Look, Evie, I get it, but you can't live your life in some shell. You can't live if you're scared of everything," He said,"I know I want whatever is going between us, but if you don't, then tell me. I'm not going to be lead on or made to believe something that isn't true. So, I'll give time to think it over, but I'm not going to stick around forever. I'm not one to hurt anyone, especially you and Lilo, but if you can't see that, then this isn't going to happen. Think it over, and let me know."

     Phil left the room a moment later, and Everly just stood there. She felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. She was so upset, but she didn't know what to do. Her past was stuck on a loop in her head, but she didn't know how to make it go away.

     The girl needed time to figure things out. She needed to go back to the bus, but at the same time, she needed to get away. She couldn't leave Lilo though, that was unforgivable and completely unrealistic. She had to have Lilo, but Lilo liked the bus and Phil and everything else. Everly just had to have a breather though, and she wasn't sure how long that would really take for her to clear her mind...

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