Chapter Ten

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    Every Saturday was Mommy and Lilo day. They didn't do too much, sometimes only going to the park and getting a cookie from a local bakery, but it was still their time together. Everly didn't have to worry about being late for work, or anything like that, when it came to Saturdays.

    Sometimes, Everly and Lilo had to travel on Saturday, but as long as they had time to stop somewhere and eat and spend time together, that's all that mattered. Everly hadn't had to deal with any out of country shows yet, but once those came along, she wasn't sure if she'd bring Lilo, or if she'd leave Lilo home with Jamie and Leland. She'd simply have to see how well Lilo adjusted after the first plane ride to another country — if Everly ever even gave her the option of a first one while she was so young.

    Luckily, this Saturday wasn't a traveling Saturday

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    Luckily, this Saturday wasn't a traveling Saturday. Everly had gotten them from Oklahoma to Ohio by midnight, so she didn't have to worry about traveling during her and Lilo's time. The poor girl had woken up feeling under the weather, so their day was mostly going to be spent making Lilo feel better.

"You're running a fever." Everly commented, as she checked the thermometer once again.

"I'm cold, Mommy." Lilo murmured, her cheeks tinted pink since she had woken up.

"I don't have anymore cold medicine," Everly groaned,"We've got to get dressed and head to the store real quick. I know you don't want to go out, and I don't want to have to bring you out, but I've got to get you some medicine."

"I wanna s'eep, Mommy." Lilo said, and Everly sighed.

"I know, baby, but you need medicine to get better. If your temperature goes up any closer to 105, you'll have to go to the hospital, and Mommy doesn't know anything about these hospitals." Everly stated, causing Lilo to reluctantly agree.

    Everly put Lilo in a pair of leggings, a red John Cena shirt, and her red boots. Once Lilo was dressed, Everly carefully brushed her hair and put it in little pigtails. She then picked up Lilo and decided she'd carry her to the store, since the little girl was barely well enough to stay awake for a long period of time.

    Everly brought Lilo to a store that had carts where she could sit down. Once Lilo was sat in the cart, Everly began to push the cart around the store. She grabbed multiple different kinds of medication that could potentially help in some way, as well as plenty of water, food, and snacks. She also bought Lilo a stuffed bear and a new blanket that would hopefully keep her warm and comfortable.

      Everly was just finishing with paying for everything, when Lilo cried out. Next thing she knew, Lilo had thrown up all over the floor in front of her. The older lady behind the register was quick to grab some baby wipes from under the counter, and she passed them over to Everly. Everly cleaned up her daughter, as a janitor came over and began to clean up the floor.

"I am so sorry." Everly told them, but both of them simply shook their heads.

"We've got kids, we know how it is when they're sick," The woman said,"and I was a single mom at one time, so I know it's not always optional to leave them home when they're sick."

"Thank you." Everly replied, handing the wipes back to the woman.

    Everly headed out of the store, only to almost bump into to someone as she tried to calm Lilo down. Lilo was crying her eyes out, and Everly was having a hard time calming her down.

"Do you want some help?" She heard, and she looked over to see Punk.

"It's okay, I got it." She replied, causing him to chuckle.

"I might be a bad guy on tv, but I'm not really a bad guy," He commented,"If you need some help, let me help."

"Fine," She murmured,"she got sick in the store, which makes getting back to the hotel even harder."

"Did you plan to walk back?" He asked with a chuckle, and she shrugged with slight embarrassment.

"I didn't really think it through." She answered, causing him to smirk.

"I got my tour bus," He said,"Let's load your stuff on, and I'll drop you guys off at your hotel."

"You came here for a reason." She argued, and he nodded.

"Yeah, but I can get Kofi to get the stuff I need. Your little girl needs to get back so she can get better." He replied, causing her to smile.

    Everly and Punk loaded all of the bags into his tour bus, after Everly placed Lilo on the couch. Punk handed Lilo a water bottle, and the little girl drank the water while her mom and Punk were loading stuff up.

"She running a fever?" Punk asked, and Everly nodded.

"It's about 103, but I'm hoping the medicine will knock it down. If it doesn't...I'll have to bring her to the hospital." She said, frowning as she did so.

"I don't know anything about any of these hospitals, otherwise I'd tell you which one was best if you had to take her." He replied, causing her to sigh.

"I probably should talk to Miz, since I heard from AJ that he's from Ohio." She commented, and Punk nodded.

"Dean Ambrose is from Ohio, too," Punk said,"Cincinnati, if I remember correctly."

"I really need to meet everyone outside of the arena, otherwise I'm never going to know them enough to even approach them." She groaned, causing Punk to chuckle.

    She was nervous about talking to anyone about the hospital, but she would have to do what was best for her daughter. She wasn't sure if her daughter was even going to need a hospital, but incase they did, she needed to know as much as she could. She was just really worried things would slowly get worse from here if she didn't start making more friends...

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