Chapter Eighteen

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     Phil had scheduled a gym day with Kofi before he knew Jamie and Leland were going to be around. Since they were there though, he offered to cancel. Leland was quick to offer to go with him, and Phil agreed, even though he was nervous about being with Leland alone.

"We'll bring Lilo with us," Leland commented,"We'll take her to the zoo after the gym."

"You sure?" Everly asked, causing Leland to roll his eyes.

"When have I ever lied about bringing Lilo with me?" He retorted, making her roll her eyes as well.

     Leland, Phil, and Lilo soon left, leaving Jamie and Everly alone. While the two were talking, Everly recieved a text from AJ asking if she was busy. Jamie suggested that AJ should come to the bus and hang out with them, and Everly was quick to agree.

     Once AJ arrived though, she mentioned going out to have a girls day. They could get their hair done, their nails done, and maybe a massage. Jamie and Everly agreed, of course, and they found a salon to go to where they could get everything done in one place.

     The women were sat in chairs next to each other, as other women came over to do their nails. Another woman came over and put face masks on them, that would be washed off once their nails were done. The face masks made their skin feel smooth and soft to the touch.

"I think you should add a little color to your hair." AJ commented, and Jamie nodded in agreement.

"I think Phil would like the change." She added, causing Everly to look over at the woman with wide eyes.

"Why would I care about what Phil would like?" She questioned, causing the other two to smirk.

"You may deny it now, but we both know you are into him." AJ retorted, and the girl scoffed.

"You definitely are," Jamie added,"I mean, I can't blame you, he is handsome. And don't forget, he's so good with Lilo. He's practically taken roll as her father, and you two aren't even together yet."


"Girl, I know you want to deny it, but you really shouldn't. He likes you, too. You have a good guy on your hands, and you shouldn't let him slip away because you're nervous." AJ said, giving the girl a supportive smile.

"Just because Lilo's sperm donor was horrible, doesn't mean all men are. Phil is a good guy, if he wasn't, you know Leland would've told you. He offered to hang out with Phil, Evie, and if that isn't saying something, I don't know what will." Jamie commented, causing Everly to sigh.

"Should I be worried about Leland being with Phil?" Everly asked, making Jamie chuckle.

"No," She replied,"at least, not this time. He's also with Kofi and Lilo, if they were alone, I'd be just a little worried."

     Everly tried to think through it all, but her mind was all scrambled. She couldn't figure out anything, and the other two women could tell. Instead of letting her get lost in her head, they kept her preoccupied with simple conversation and cucumber water. The spa offered champagne, but Everly wasn't one to really drink at all, so the other two women decided against it as well.

     By the time their nails were done, all three girls had different nails. Jamie's were acrylics that were more pointed, and could possibly poke a person's eye out if they weren't careful. They were painted black. AJ's nails were short acrylics that were painted pink like the color on her ring attire. Finally, Everly's nails were acrylics as well, hers weren't too long, and they were painted a dark red with little black hearts on the ring fingers.

     The women were then moved to different seats so they could get their hair done. Everly also opted to get her eyebrows waxed, so she wouldn't have to do it herself. She liked getting her hair done, because they always massaged her scalp just right that it felt absolutely amazing.

     Jamie simply got her hair cut and had little touch ups at her roots. AJ had her hair darkened, cut, and curled. The women decided to help Everly choose a new look. First, they had her split ends trimmed, then had a bit of layers added to her hair. Then, they had purple undertones added to her hair, so when light hit her hair the right way, it would look like her hair was a dark purple. Finally, they had her hair curled, and paid extra to get her a bit of makeup to match.

"Why am I being dolled up?" Everly asked, causing Jamie and AJ to smile.

"You don't get the chance to do this for yourself," AJ replied,"and we want you to feel good about yourself. We want you to see just how beautiful you are, and that spoiling yourself and getting yourself dolled up is okay, and you can do it for yourself, no matter what anyone else seems to think."

"Thank you." She said, causing the two women to hug her.

"You're welcome, Evie," Jamie answered,"We love you."

"I love you guys, too." She replied, causing the two to smile.

     After their spa day, Jamie, Everly, and AJ headed back to the bus. They didn't want the guys getting back before them and wondering where they were. Obviously, the guys could just call, but the girls figured it would just be easier to be at the bus when the boys got back.

     Everly was glad that she had gotten to spend a day with Jamie and AJ. She really needed a day out with them, especially after Lilo had gotten sick and spent time in the hospital. After everything that happened recently, Everly just needed time to herself with Jamie and AJ, and now she was feeling a lot better. Her head just wasn't as clear as she had hoped, since the two had brought up the idea of Everly having feelings for Phil and vice versa...

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