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Is reality what we are told? Is reality what we see? Or is it even what we are taught from a young age? The definition of reality is "the world or state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them". So in hindsight what its saying is, if we can see it, touch it, then its real. Right? Well that's what I used to believe. But these days I'm not so sure. My reality is a bit more complex than what I see or hear or touch. My reality is a jumbled up mess that exhausts me to no end trying to unravel. For instance, work. I know what to do, how to do it, and have been doing it for some time even without the title. But there are those who believe my reality if false and have no faith that I can do what I've been doing. Again, my reality says I can, theirs says other wise. So which reality is correct? There is a saying " it's all in the eyes of the beholder". So my reality to me is true, and thief's is true to them. But does that make mine false to them or vice versa? Another example is my marriage. In my ideal reality I saw this working with no problems, no fights. In actual reality it's not all it's cracked up to be. Fighting, yelling, feeling lonely, left out, decisions being made without me. Not at all what I signed up for. My ideal and actual reality differ so much from each other its night and day. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and I wouldn't change a thing about him, but I would want him to change the way he acts sometimes. But who wouldn't?  Who wouldn't want that perfect guy? The one who gets you flowers just because. The one who calls you during the day just to say hi. That perfect guy that lets you sleep in and takes care of the kids because he knows how hard you work. But we all know that the perfect reality is an ideal reality not an actual reality. The perfect guy doesn't exist. No matter how hard you try you will never have the perfect specimen by your side. He may be near perfect or he may be perfect for you, but he is not perfect and has flaws and troubles of his own he is dealing with. Doesn't mean you can't make the best out of a stressful situation. If he isn't showing you, you show him. Get him flowers, write him a love note. Do small things for him to show that you are still there and you care. Reality and relationships are a 2-way street. Without both giving it their all, and doing the best they can to make, it work it will stall. once it stalls it's near to impossible to get it back. Don't let it stall, not if your with the one you love and you know that you are meant to be together. The saying "love is worth fighting for" is as true in this day and age as it was hundreds of years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2024 ⏰

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