Part 8

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Part 8

"Maa, please let her go. She said her dadu is sick. She is worried about him." Neil tried to persuade Shakuntala next day also. "Neil, I think I already told you my decision. I don't want any arguments about it now."Shakuntala made it clear.

Neil sighed dejectedly and went to his room to pacify Mini. "Please Minnu, stop crying now or else you will be sick. I promise after the festival I will take you to the village."

"9 days. I will have to wait for whole 9 days. If anything happened to my dadu in this time then I'll never be able to forgive myself." Mini sobbed. "I can understand but...." Neil began but Mini interrupted him. "No you don't. You dont care about me. I thought we have become friends disappointed me. Friends support each other but you left me alone when I needed you the most." Mini complained. "Its not like that Minnu...I tried...but..." Neil tried to explain but Mini shook her head and put her hands on ears. "I don't want to listen anything. Go away, leave me alone."

Neil stood up feeling helpless. He hated to see tears in his Minnu's eyes. But what can he do? He already made promise to maa about not asking anything more for Minnu and now he has to oblige that promise. He knew his maa was being unnecessarily strict and unreasonable with Mini but he couldn't do anything this time.

He came out of the room thinking Mini might calm down after sometime. But little did he know that his wife was not among those who let go of their stubbornness so easily. Mini didn't come out of the room whole day. She didn't eat anything since morning and didn't show up for dinner also. This made Neil worried.

At night he came with the plate of food for Minnu. "Get up Minnu. Please eat something." He caressed her forehead lovingly and got worried as he realized that she was having fever. "Minnu, You are having fever. Please get up and stop crying." Neil pleaded. "No, go away from here. I don't want anything. I just want to meet my dadu biji." Mini sobbed again. Neil saw her as fresh tears made her eyes wet. Her tear stained face, quivering lips and fever....he lost the battle. He knew he was breaking his promise to his maa but he couldn't bear the sight of his Minnu suffering like this.

"Minnu, I will take you to the village. We will meet your dadu biji." He said as he wiped her tears. "Really?" Mini asked with hopeful eyes. "Yes, but first you have to finish this dinner and have medicine, ok?" Neil instructed and Mini nodded her head in yes. She quickly finished her dinner and took medicines after that like an obedient girl. "Ok now, pack your bags. We are leaving." Neil said and Mini was shocked. "What? We will leave now? Its night. We can leave tomorrow morning." Mini suggested.

"Yes, but I wont be able to face maa, go against her wish openly." Neil thought. "Minnu, we will leave right now. Hurry up." Neil replied and Mini went to pack her bags while Neil sat down on study table to write a letter to Shakuntala.


"Malti, Rani, Sohan, Shyamu, Ramesh.....aree kaha mar gaye sabke sab?" Shakuntala called all the servants and at once all of them come and stood before her in line. "Has anyone seen Neil and Mini since morning? Where are they?" Shakuntala asked and all of them shook their head in no. Worried for her children she went to their room. The door was closed. She knocked it few times but getting no answer she pushed it and found the room empty. She was about to go out when she noticed the letter on the table. She opened and read it.

My Child Bride   MiNeil versionWhere stories live. Discover now