Cupid pt. 1

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"Girls, major emergency!" Artemis exclaims, grabbing Sam, Clover, and Alex and dragging them into a supply closet. "My "Uncle" Oliver is gone, and no one else can find him."

"Are you sure he didn't stay too long at Dinah's apartment?" Alex asks, opening up her X-Powder.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. But there are worse problems. Uncle Oliver is Green Arrow, and if the villains of Star City realize he's gone, chaos will reign!" Artemis whispers, brushing her hair back as she panics.

"Ok, there's the emergency paAAAAART!" Sam screams as the floor opens up, revealing the WOOHP slides.

Artemis's X-Powder rings, and she answers it.

"Hello?" Artemis says, falling to Jerry's office.

"Artemis, we're about to have a mission debrief. Where are you?" Kaldur asks, looking out the window of Mount Justice.

"I'm having a bit of AAAAHH! OW!" Artemis groans, accidentally ending her call.

"Artemis! Artemis, are you ok?" Aqualad exclaims, looking at his phone and realizing the call ended. "Guys, Artemis is gone."

"Jerry, what gives?" Alex groans, rubbing her back.

"Billionaire Oliver Queen went missing last week without a word until today. WOOHP surveillance in Rhodes, Greece, caught him at a bank with a redhead woman at approximately 12:30 pm. He withdrew about $50,000 and left," Jerry explains, showing images of Oliver.

"Oh no, it's that crazy woman Cupid!" Artemis groans, dread filling her body.

"Cupid? As in a grown female version of the baby that shoots people to fall in love?" Sam asks, looking at Artemis.

"Nope. She's a special agent who got saved by Oliver a long time ago and has been obsessed with him ever since. A year ago, Black Canary and Green Arrow had to stop her from pouring gallons of love potion into Star City's river," Artemis explains, shaking her head. "I guess she must've found a way to make my uncle love her."

"I swear there's been an uptick in love-obsessed villains this year. Is it just me or?" Alex comments, earning agreement from Sam, Clover, and Artemis.

"In that case, I'll give you gadgets now. We have the Environment Body Mist, one spritz, and nature will come to life around you. Then, we have the Concealing Powder Concealer and the Graphene accessories. The Graphene accessories are bulletproof, as well," Jerry says, revealing the gadgets to the spies.

"Ooh, a corset. Nice design, Jer," Clover compliments, putting the corset over her spy suit.

"Thank you, Clover. I've been researching designs for newer gadgets," Jerry replies, pressing another button on his desk and letting the spies drop down a trap door. "Ta-ta, ladies!"

"AAAHH!" The girls scream as they fall into a jet.

When the girls land on their seats, the jet automatically starts its engine and buckles them in. The ground rotates, and the jet prepares to fly. It shoots out of the underground tunnel, flying through the skies to Greece.


"I'm surprised WOOHP used the design of Wonder Woman's cuffs for these Graphene cuffs," Artemis says, preparing her parachute.

"The cuffs aren't even the best part. I mean, look at the Graphene-Diamond press on nails. Can you say fabulous?" Alex replies, admiring her nails.

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