First Mission

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"I can't believe the gym teacher entered all three of us for this year's Justice League exercise challenge. Like yeah, I get it we're flexible and can do all sorts of gymnastics moves, but we sort of got something else going on," Clover rants, shutting her locker. "At least this day can be over, and we can head to the penthouse."

"Hey, girls! I wanted to know if you've gotten the hang of everything here yet?" Dick asks, running to their lockers.

"Here comes the black-haired version of Arnold," Clover murmurs, preparing to be nice. "We've gotten the hang of things. Do you know where the local mall is?"

"Uh, we don't have a local mall, so per se, but we have a shopping district nearby," Dick answers, trying to impress the girls. "If you want a ride home, my dad can drive you there. You know, especially since Gotham isn't the safest place in the world."

"Oh, thank you. We'd love a ride," Alex answers, smiling at Dick. "Who is your dad, by the way?"

"You'll see. Anyway, my dad's here right now. I'll see you inside the car," Dick replies, running off to meet his dad, Bruce Wayne.

"See you theeerrrreee!!!" The girls scream as they get sucked into the WOOHP tunnel behind their lockers.

Dick turns around and is baffled by the sudden disappearance of Sam, Clover, and Alex.

"Weird. Where did they go?" Dick asks, looking at the papers slowly falling to the ground.

"AAAH!" They scream as they fall into Jerry's office. "Omph!"

The girls get up and shake off their bad landing.

"Welcome back, girls. There have been multiple thefts in the Gotham Port. Specifically, high-tech weaponry and technology have gone missing within the past two weeks. We think there may be another robbery tonight. Stop whoever it is and turn them into WOOHP authorities. Your extra gadget for today is the classic jet-pack backpack," Jerry says, showing images of robot suits stealing cargo.

"Thanks for the extra gadgets, Jer. Though do you think we'll run into Batman during this mission?" Alex asks as she uses her X-powder to change into her spy suit.

"You may very well run into him and his sidekick, which is why I made a new addition to your suits. Press your chest, and a mask should cover your mouth and part of your nose. It works as a mask for underwater missions as well. I know you girls may be nervous because it's your first mission in a new area, but you'll do great. I know you will," Jerry says, making the girls tear up.

"Oh, thanks, Jerry!" The girls cry, hugging Jerry.

Jerry presses the button, and the girls fall to the ground as they drop from the airplane. The girls turn on their jet-packs and fly to Gotham's port. When they arrive, it's dark, and the waves hitting against the wood are all anyone can hear. Until a big boom happens at a nearby crate, and long robotic arms throw open a crate.

"There's our baddie girls!" Sam says, landing on top of the cargo.

"Wanna freeze them out?" Clover asks, a smirk underneath her mask as she takes out her minty freeze bubblegum.

"I love our gadget puns," Alex swoons, flying over to the robot arms. "I'll distract them! Clover, you take out the main guy controlling the arms!"

"Fine by me!" Clover replies, flying up into the sky.

Sam and Alex take out their laser lipsticks and slice up the robot's arms. A robot arm tries to go to Sam, but a red and yellow blur stops the arm.

"Al, I don't think we're alone!" Sam says, following the blur as it moves around.

"Yeah, I figured that part out!" Alex yells, dodging a ball of water. "Clove now's the time to make everyone freeze!"

"Gotcha!" Clover yells, coming down from the sky and blowing her breath across the port.

The port is iced out, and nothing is moving. That's when the spies see the Young Justice members frozen in ice.

"Robin, Atlantic boy, Superboy, Miss Martian, uh oh," Alex says, looking for Kid Flash. "We're missing the speedster!"

"Here I am! No need to panic anymore!" Kid Flash says, tapping Alex's shoulder.

"Eep!" Alex squeals, turning around and seeing Kid Flash.

"Can I convince you to unfreeze my friends, or do I have to fight you to do it," Kid Flash says, looking at all three spies.

Clover gets a genius idea and switches her laser lipstick to its third mode and secretly applies the mind-controlling lipstick.

"Oh, sure! We'll unfreeze them right now, but you'll have to kiss me for it," Clover says, flipping her hair.

Kid Flash feels his heart skip a beat, and succumbs to Clover's trap. Clover puts a hand over Kid Flash's eyes and removes her mask. She kisses him on the lips and puts her mask on.

"You think it worked?" Sam asks, sitting down on the cargo.

"Mistress..." Kid Flash swoons, his eyes glowing green.

"Nice one, Clove! That lipstick works better than Possession," Alex compliments, snapping her fingers in front of Kid Flash. "I wonder if he'll remember anything when it wears off?"

"WOOHP database says it wears off after 24 hours. Anyway, let's call WOOHP and return to the penthouse for some sleep," Sam replies, using the X-Powder to call Jerry.

"What do we do with him?" Alex questions, pointing at Kid Flash staring out into space.

"Your wish is my command, my true love," Kid Flash says, looking at Clover.

"Easy. Go to Starbucks and get us a Pink Drink, a Caramel Ribbon Crunch, and a Green Tea Frappucino. Hurry, ok!" Clover commands, giving him her credit card.

"Of course, my love!" Kid Flash replies, zooming off to the nearest Starbucks.

The WOOHP helicopters land at the port and take the robot and the baddie controlling it from the inside into custody as an ice sculpture. Kid Flash returns with their drinks, and Clover takes her credit card.

"Another job well done, girls! Don't worry about the heroes frozen. They'll be unfrozen in 15 hours," Jerry says, smiling at the girls. "Now, if I were you, I'd hurry back home. School begins in about 9 hours."

"Bye, Jer! Oh, and Kid Flash, don't move!" Clover yells as she flies away with the rest of her friends.

"Spies forever!" Alex yells, hugging Clover and Sam.

"Yeah!" They scream, clapping each other's hands.

Totally Spies: Gotham GalsWhere stories live. Discover now