The Morning Show

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The morning after the S.T.A.R. labs break-in, the girls wake up to the sound of Jerry's cooking. They shuffle into the kitchen and find a happy Jerry cooking pancakes, muffins, and waffles.

"Gee, Jerry, what's the occasion?" Alex sleepily asks.

"You've been invited for a six-on-seven Q&A on the Mornings with Shela Show," Jerry says, flipping a pancake. "It's going to be you three, me, Amanda, and Lex Luthor, getting questioned by the Justice League on various things."

"What?! We're going to be on tv?! I haven't even done an overnight facial routine yet!" Clover shrieks, holding her cheeks.

"No worries, Clover. We got outfits to your liking and makeup you'll like," Jerry says, leaning back on the counter as the girls scarf down food. "Well, now that you girls are done eating. It's time for you to get ready."

The girls fall through the floor and go through many liquids.

"Ooh! My face is soft!" Alex squeals, touching her face.

The spies land on a couch in a dressing room with red, green, and yellow outfits. There are makeup brands all over the counter and a mirror big enough for the spies to see their whole body.

"What do you girls say about a good old-fashioned catsuit?" Sam suggests, seeing their spy uniforms.

"I could go for that!" Clover exclaims, taking her spy uniform off the rack.

Sam and Alex do the same then they put their makeup on. The spies put on eyeshadow and eyeliner corresponding to their suit colors, then put on the white bejeweled face mask.

"We look awesome!" Alex cheers, looking at herself in the mirror.

"You three are on in 5 minutes," A show staffer says, knocking on their dressing room.

"Let's go!" Clover squeals, throwing open the door and running out to the stage.

"And on the left, we have the spies themselves!" Shela announces, earning applause from the audience.

The spies walk out as the audience claps for them. They sit in the three empty chairs.

"Now that everyone's here, I'd like to ask a question that everyone's been wondering. How old are the girls that have been kicking grown people's asses?" Shela asks, tipping her microphone toward the girls.

"Fifteen," They all answer, smiling underneath the masks.

"Fifteen? Really? Damn, you three are young!" Shela responds, looking at the camera. "I personally want to know, are you three all work, no play?"

"Oh, we definitely have free time. Most of the time, Jerry calls us to work while we're on our daily shopping sprees," Clover answers, making Jerry chuckle.

The audience laughs.

"So, let's get this Q&A started! Batman, you have the mic," Shela says, passing her microphone to Batman.

"Thank you, Shela. My first question is, what are your races and ethnicities? If you're Hispanic or Latino, please say that as an ethnicity," Batman asks, making the girls sweatdrop.

"You can go first, Lexxie. I know your answer is long," Clover says, making Alex laugh.

"Ok! So my ethnicity is Latino and Hispanic. I'm Blasian. My mom is Afro-Colombian, and my dad is Filipino," Alex answers, smiling at Batman, who's writing down her answers.

"I'm white, through and through. The same goes for little red," Sam answers, motioning to Clover.

"Ooh, interesting! I never knew the spies are so diverse," Shela comments, talking to the camera.

"My question for you is, what is the level of your fighting skills?" Aquaman asks, reading off a notecard.

"I would say high enough to take out a bulky baddie. We did fight against mutants a couple of times, though," Alex responds, getting a nod of agreement from Sam and Clover.

"Cool," Aquaman replies, smirking a little.

"My first couple of questions are out of concern for you. Number one, are you in a contract while working for WOOHP? Number two, are you three getting paid for your work? Number three, as you've said before, you are 15. Is working as a spy interfering with your education?" Superman questions, glaring at Jerry.

"We aren't in a contract with WOOHP. We all became spies because we verbally agreed to be spies. We can leave any time we want. To answer your second question, we get paid well. Sometimes the people we save give us money as well as gratitude. For your third question, we get educated plenty. WOOHP even gives us tutors if we're having trouble with classes," Sam answers, moving her hair to the side.

"Have you ever gone up against monsters?" Wonder Woman asks, smiling at the girls.

"Oh, plenty of times! We just fought the vampire dude at Gotham Academy like two days ago," Clover replies, getting excited. "We've also fought robots, shapeshifters, anything you can think of."

"It sounds like you girls are your own type of Amazon," Wonder Woman responds, making the audience coo.

"That's actually really interesting. It turns out the women in my family come from a race of warrior women called the Sisterhood who wanted to wipe out men and inferior women. I ended up getting mind-controlled like the rest of the descendants, but my friends over here beat up the main baddie and helped free me and the others," Sam adds, making Wonder Woman laugh a little.

"How are the gadgets you used made, and why are they all makeup themed?" Flash asks, not leaning his head so he doesn't open the wound Clover gave him.

"We just use the gadgets, so I'm handing this question to Jerry and Amanda," Clover says.

"Thank you. WOOHP utilizes the best technology and scientists in the world to create the gadgets we give our agents. Though, thanks to Amanda funding us, we can now use a villain's tech against them," Jerry answers eloquently. "And for your second question, we make them girly because the spies like it that way."

"Mr. Luthor is also providing his funding and tech towards WOOHP," Amanda answers, smiling at Superman.

"I see," Superman comments, maintaining his gentlemanly attitude.

"Martian Manhunter? Green Lantern? Do you have any questions?" Shela asks, looking at the stoic alien and Green Lantern.

"Not really. Personally, I don't want to question their work. From what I've heard, every world leader has good things to say about them, and WOOHP," Martian Manhunter answers monotoned.

"I have to agree with Martian here. The former president said these girls babysat and saved his daughter from being kidnapped," Green Lantern comments.

"Well then, on the next segment of Mornings with Shela: Two enemies, Lex Luthor, and Superman, debate each other on who's better for Metropolis!" Shela exclaims, making the audience clap. "That's a wrap, folks!"

A loud alarm rings and some of the lights turn off. The spies get up to leave, but Lex Luthor stops them.

"Take these as a token of my gratitude for being on this show as a WOOHP representative," Luthor says, handing the girls one box each.

Sam, Clover, and Alex excitedly unwrap their boxes and squeal.

"Eeep! Green Vespuci boots!" Sam squeals, hugging her boots.

"No way, color-changing lipstick!" Clover yells, looking at the swatch of green lipstick on her arm turn cerise red.

"Ah! Nail hardening and repairing tinted polish!" Alex fangirls, immediately putting some on her nails.

"Thank you!" The girls exclaims, hugging Luthor.

Don't worry, girls. It's my pleasure. And the best part is they're gadgets," Luthor explains, smirking a little.

"How so?" Sam asks, tilting her head.

"They all have ground-up kryptonite in them," Luthor says, making Superman hit the floor.

The spies turn towards Superman, then leave happily, taking their gifts.

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