Stuck at home

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It's been two days since the spies have been confined to their penthouse.   WOOHP has been delivering food and necessities every day at noon. Although Mrs. Robinson, the girls rich elderly neighbor, is beginning to get concerned about them. So, she makes her way to the Justice League press conference in front of the Gotham port.

"Hello? Can anyone help me?" Mrs. Robinson asks in a typical old lady voice.

Flash sees her wandering towards the water, and rushes to stop her.

"Ma'am do you know where you are?" Flash questions, steering her away from the dock.

"I'm not so old I don't know where I'm going. I came to ask for help. These three lovely girls that live next to me, the ones that went missing a couple of days ago, haven't come out of their penthouse since Superman returned them home. Not only that, but these weird men in black suits keep coming to their door. It's so creepy when they arrive in their black cars and jeeps with tinted windows," Mrs. Robinson complains, feeling goosebumps on her skin. "Can you at least check on them? Those girls are so sweet. Especially Alex. She walks my sweet little Siberia."

"Don't worry, ma'am. We'll send our Young Justice team to check on them," Superman says, taking over for Flash.

"Thank you, Superman. Now do you know where the exotic meat market is?" Mrs. Robinson asks, thinking of getting food for her tiger, Siberia.


"I still can't believe those spies made me act like an idiot," Kid Flash fumes as he walks up to the spies front door with the rest of his team.

"Don't worry. You weren't acting that far off from your usual self," Robin calmly insults, knocking on their door.

"I see you still have an icicle stuck up your ass," Kid Flash retorts, irking Robin.

"Enough, you two! Can you at least hold your bickering until we return to the cave?" Kaldur exclaims, making M'gann flinch.

Nobody comes to the door, so Robin knocks again but harder.

"Hey! Your neighbor wants to know if you're ok!" Robin yells, repeatedly banging on the door.

There's no sign of life, so Robin tries breaking into the house. He picks at the lock then the door opens slightly. The team walks in, and alarms and red lights blare. The doors and windows are covered in metal, trapping them inside the penthouse.

"D'oh! Can't we have a normal day for once?!" Clover groans, getting out of bed and walking down the stairs to see Sam and Alex hiding behind a wall.

Sam puts a finger over her lips and motions to the superhero teens in their living room.

"Robin, what did you do?!" Kid Flash exclaims, covering his ears.

"How was I supposed to know this place had a weird security system?" Robin snaps, trying to find a way to stop the noise.

The alarms and lights stop, then Alex comes out with a pink gun.

"Don't move," Alex commands, distracting them from Sam and Clover.

"Hey, we just wanted to talk," Robin hurriedly says, putting his hands up.

"Why? We don't know you," Alex responds, moving closer to the group.

Everyone else puts their hands up and hope Robin can talk her down.

"Your neighbor was worried about you."

"Well, as you can see, we're fine."

Robin and Alex have a stare down, then Sam and Clover peek out from the side with their nets ready to throw.

"Sammy! Clover! Now!" Alex yells, catching the Young Justice team by surprise as Sam and Clover throw instant wrap around nets at the teens.

The nets wrap around Kaldur, Robin, Kid Flash, and M'gann making them fall to the floor as their bodies are tied together. 50,000 volts shock the Young Justice members as the nets tighten around their bodies. They scream in pain for the six seconds they're shocked, then their bodies slump as they pass out. Alex pulls the trigger on the pink gun, causing a massive gum bubble to float towards the teen superheroes and encase them within it.

"Nice one, ladies," Alex compliments, giving a high five to Sam and Clover. "Ah, the bubblegum bubble gun. My favorite gadget."

"And people keep saying we can't beat them," Clover says, leaning against Sam. "So much for 'no fifteen-year-old girls can beat me!'."

"So, do we wanna do a WOOHP pick up, or should we just wait until they wake up?" Sam asks, typing on her X-Powder.

"WOOHP pick up. I wanna see the Justice League's face when they have to pick up their proteges from a WOOHP jail cell," Clover laughs, snickering at the image of Batman and Flash signing papers for their proteges release.

"Agreed!" Sam giggles, calling Jerry.

"Where the hell are the rest of your teammates? A simple house check up shouldn't take five hours?" Black Canary asks Superboy, who's holding a phone in his hand.

"Canary, it's for you. The call got rerouted to us after the Justice League wouldn't pick up," Superboy says, handing the phone to Black Canary.

Canary picks up the phone, and hopes it isn't a ransom call.

"Hello?" Canary says, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Ah, hello. We're going to need you to notify the guardians of Robin, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, and Aqualad that they need to sign the necessary papers for their protiges release from the WOOHP jail cell before 6pm. Or else they're spending the night here until their guardians can come and get them," Jerry says, having a shit eating grin on his face.

"They're in jail?!" Canary screams in shock. "Oh my God, what happened?!"

"How about breaking and entering into one of our company's houses," Jerry responds, crossing his legs on his desk.

Canary looks at the watch and sees it's 4:30pm.


Batman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, and Aquaman are sitting in the WOOHP lobby doing paperwork. Villains and crooks coming into the building laugh, snicker, and point at them. Meanwhile, the villains in their cells also laugh at the sight of superheroes in a jail cell with them.

"My buddies in New York are going to get a laugh at this! Hahahaha!" Tim Scam laughs, taking a picture of still tied up and unconscious heroes in a jail cell.

Totally Spies: Gotham GalsWhere stories live. Discover now