Spring's Coming

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A/N: I'm back! 

"The flowers are blooming, the weather is warm, and now I can wear my new spring 2024 Vespucci collection!" Clover exclaims, opening her closet.

"But before you can, you'll have to deal with school first," Sam says, throwing Clover a Gotham Academy uniform.

Clover groans and closes her closet door.

"At least school will be exciting," Clover grumbles, sulking into her bathroom.


"Hey, Artemis, how's the side hustle?" Clover asks, sitting at Artemis's table.

"Horrible. Zatanna's dad is so paranoid and suspicious that he's practically stalking his daughter. Meanwhile, my team is starting to get suspicious as to why I'm missing missions so often. It's not my fault some basement dweller loser wants to fuck up the world every few days," Artemis vents, putting her head on the table.

"I mean, being a spy for a side hustle isn't exactly the most flexible job. But it pays well," Alex remarks, painting her nails.

"I know. My mom's medical bills are almost paid off. Plus, I like having a little money for myself," Artemis replies, taking her hair out of its ponytail.

"So, why don't you make the switch permanently?" Sam questions, eating her herb-baked chicken.

"I can't. I like both teams, plus I don't want to know how Green Arrow will react," Artemis groans, accidentally rubbing some of her lipgloss off.

"You know what, this calls for a junky party. What better way to solve our problems than feasting on junk food?" Alex says, pulling her hair back. "Feast is on me."


"I'm so exhausted from P.E. I can't believe she made us do our cheer routine fifteen times," Artemis groans, putting some pain cream on her knees. "So glad it's the last period of the day."

"SaAAAAAMMMEEE!" Clover screams as Alex, Sam, Artemis, and her are sucked into a trashcan.

"Ew! Could you at least choose a method that won't ruin our uniforms, Jerry!" Clover complains, picking garbage off her hair.

"Sorry ladies, an urgent matter has come up," Jerry says, turning on his monitor. "Entire football teams have vanished, then returned as extremely bulky and muscular monsters who are very hostile and aggressive when faced with physical activity or stress. As of now, the local Gotham High School football team has yet to return."

"This is why you don't date muscular guys, Alex," Clover murmurs, making Alex laugh.

"Your gadgets today are the Paralyzing Pearl Earrings, Heart Haute Couture Catsuits, Keep It Together Elasta-Scrunchy, and the Hard-Hitting Lace Gloves. Good luck, ladies!" Jerry says, giving the spies their gadgets and sending them on their way.

The girls get shot into the air and make a graceful landing on the top of Gotham High.

"Well, at least we didn't have to use our jetpack backpacks for long. Now, who wants to get to know the athletes at this school?" Clover smirks, using her X-Powder to change into more civilian clothes.


"Oh, what about him? He seems like he might know something," Alex says, looking at a white boy with brown hair putting some protein powder into his water.

"Well, big hulking monstrous boys and protein usually go together," Sam replies, walking over to his table with Alex, Clover, and Artemis. "Clover, Artemis, do your thing."

"Hi, we were wondering if there's any boys worth our while here?" Clover asks, flipping her hair.

"We haven't had any fun in a while, and we heard this place had even better parties than Metropolis," Artemis states, getting close to the boy's face and putting some of her hair behind her ear.

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