The witching hour pt. 2

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"Wow, this place is amazing," Zatanna gasps, looking at all the witches flying on broomsticks.

"You must be Alex's invitee. Welcome to Lilianor's School for Witchcraft. If you don't mind, please stick out your finger," Lady Nova says, summoning the crystal rose.

Zatanna sticks out her finger, and when the rose stem pricks it, her blood turns a byzantine purple. The color engulfs the vest around Zatanna's black dress, turning it yellow to purple.

"Hecate! Nice, you've got my old dorm," Lady Nova says, smiling at Zatanna. "You'll enjoy your time there."

"Hi, I'm Circe, and I'm your dorm leader! I'll be in charge of presiding over magic-related dorm activities and dorm meetings. You're going to love it here!" Circe exclaims, grabbing Zatanna and running to Hecate dorm. "Your stuff is already in your room."

Zatanna and Circe enter Hecate dorm and are welcomed to the epitome of magic and girlhood. Books floating in the air, the entire room looks like a galaxy, and a floating spiral staircase going up to the ceiling.

"This is amazing!" Zatanna exclaims, going to the staircase.

"Your room is number 512. Oh, a little tip: if you want to travel faster, get on the stairs, and instead of putting your foot on the next step, push your body up, and you'll float," Circe recommends, handing Zatanna a cat key.

Zatanna does as she says, and then she's floating like there's no gravity. She laughs, and as she reaches the fifth floor, she sees a step pull out for her to step on.

"Ok, Z', time to meet your roommates," Zatanna says, opening her door with the key.

"Surprise! I'm your roommate, Kitty!" A brown skin girl with cat eyes, long black hair, and unusually sharp nails squeals, hugging Zatanna. "I'm in room 511, but we share the general space of the suite. I can't wait to spend next year with you!"

"Same to you, Kitty!" Zatanna replies, returning the hug.


"How could this happen? How could she just vanish like this?" Zatara cries, sitting on a chair in his house.

"From the looks of it, she didn't vanish. She left. All of her clothes are gone along with essentials like toothpaste, soap, and shampoo," Batman says, looking at Zatanna's empty drawers and closet.

"That's impossible! She doesn't have anywhere to go!" Zatara cries, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Well, she obviously left somewhere and planned for it to be for a long time," Batman replies, getting up from the ground. "Maybe she went to stay with a friend?"

"I know that she's friends with Artemis and those spy girls," Zatara states, getting up and teleporting them to the spy's penthouse.

Batman knocks on the spy's door, and a sleepy Clover opens the door.

"What's up, everyone?" Clover greets, rubbing her eyes.

"Did Zatanna stop by at some point?" Batman asks, looking inside the house.

"Nope. It's just been Alex, Sammy, and I. Why? What happened to Zatanna?" Clover asks, sitting on the couch.

"My baby girl is gone!" Zatara cries, bursting out into tears in the spy's living room.

"Well, thanks for helping, I guess," Hal says, escorting Zatara away.

When Batman, Zatara, and Hal leave, Alex comes out of her room.

"Let me guess, you gave the invitation to Zatanna?" Sam says, coming out of her room.

"Yes, but she was really happy to receive it. Maybe she'll call him after a couple of days," Alex replies, looking at Zatanna's Snapchat location.


It had been two weeks since Zatanna had left, and things weren't looking too good on the adult side. So far, M'gann and Artemis knew, but the boys were oblivious.

"Alex, we're two days away from the end of school, and Zatanna still hasn't called her father. Maybe we should tell someone," Sam suggests, flipping through Vogue magazine.

"Give her time. Maybe she's enjoying the boarding school life?" Clover says, dialing Icicle Jr.

"Maybe," Alex states, lying on the couch. "Besides, we'll see her at WOOHP's New York office today."

"True. Speaking of, we need to leave for that right now," Sam says, getting up from the couch and going to her car.

When the spies pull into the WOOHP office, they see Artemis, Jinx, M'gann, and Zatanna standing next to nurses with needles.

"Hey! So, what are we all doing here today?" Sam asks as a nurse rolls up her sleeves and wipes her wrist with an alcohol pad.

"We're conducting more research on the Spy Gene project. So far, all the DNA samples have been from humans, but I wanted to see if the gene was in metahumans, aliens, and homo-magi," Jerry explains, pulling up seven screens. "You can draw blood now."

The nurses take blood from the girls and then put it onto the microscope dishes. Jerry adjusts the nob, and s-shaped genes appear on all seven screens.

"Amazing! Zatanna, your spy gene is surrounded by magic and Jinx! Yours is mutated. It still forms an s, but it's sharper in shape and spikey as if it were a germ. M'gann, yours is the most shocking of all. There's an abundance of the enzyme telomeres in your spy gene. We'll have the WOOHP team research these findings more. Thank you, girls, so much for participating in my studies," Jerry says, safely securing the DNA samples.

"Never knew I had that in my DNA," Artemis comments, rubbing her arm and walking with Sam, Clover, and Alex. "Wanna get some smoothies?"

"Sure. Zatanna, Jinx, M'gann! Wanna join us?" Alex asks, waving to them.

"Sure!" M'gann, Zatanna, and Jinx respond, giggling as they walk to the spies.


"Are you sure this is where you saw Zatanna?" Zatara asks, sitting in the car with Batman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern.

"Yep. Boogie Smoothie, they're right there," Batman confirms, looking at the girls walking out and sitting at a table.

"What is that dot mark on their wrists?" Hal questions, looking at Clover's wrist.

"Oh no, they're doing drugs!" Zatara cries, holding onto Green Arrow.

"Now, hold on. Our girls are good kids-oh my God. What are those pills in that bag?" Green Arrow worries, looking at Artemis crushing the pill into her smoothie. "No! They're taking the pills! NOO! Our kids are doing drugs!"

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