Bring on the fear!

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"All right, girls! The regional cheer championship is in one week! Not only do we have to worry about the Gothamettes, we have to worry about the Metropolis Angels! We can not afford to lose! Now do 40 pushups!" A female coach yells, tweeting her whistle.

The lights in the gym turn off, and the windows break. Green smoke fills the air, and the bodies of girls in white cheer uniforms with blue and red at the hem of the skirts appear in the smoke.

One of the girls in white laughs, and suddenly every girl from the other team starts to scream.

"Welcome to your nightmare," A feminine voice says.


"I can't believe Coach Bells made us join the cheer team to show off our skills since we missed the Justice League exercise challenge. It's not our fault Gotham Academy fell apart, and they couldn't get a second venue," Clover rants, sipping her smoothie.

"Actually, it would be our fault," Alex adds.

"Oh, true. But that doesn't matter now. What matters is meeting our mystery cheer mate that got added on last minute like us," Sam says, sipping her coffee. "Look, there she is!"

"Hey, girls!" An Asian-looking girl exclaims, waving at them from a park bench.

"Eee! Britney!" The three girls squeal, running to Britney.

"This is awesome! Weren't you a cheer captain at your old school?" Alex asks, hugging Britney.

"Yes, and that's why Coach Bells asked me to be on the Gothamettes. That and all the other cheerleaders got food poisoning," Britney says, taking out her phone.

"Wait, so we're the only cheerleaders left?" Clover questions, panicking about the routine.

"It appears that way. Considering how things are going, we might be the only team left in the championship," Britney replies, pulling up the latest news article about the Queens cheer team in the hospital.

The spies huddle in to read the article and get sucked into a tube. They fall until they land on pom poms.

"Hello, spies," Jerry says, looking at the girls. "By the way, Sam, Riddler's being taken care of. He won't remember you anytime soon after he gets sentenced and imprisoned."

"Oh, thanks, Jerry. So, what's the mission?" Sam asks, taking a pom pom from under her butt.

"Ah, right. Cheerleading teams across New York have been comatose with little to no cause. The only thing any of the girls say is white. You'll go undercover as the Woohpettes and enter the New York regional cheer competition," Jerry explains, showing the cheer girls with wide eyes full of fear in the hospital.

"Actually, we're already in the competition. We got forced to represent the Gothamettes because the rest of the team got sick," Clover explains, shocking Jerry.

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