Under Metropolis and Gotham

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"How could you wrap our poor girls into your spy nonsense?" Green Arrow scolds, slamming a hand onto Jerry's desk.

"Actually, it's quite the contrary. After the Valentine incident, Artemis, Zatanna, and M'gann agreed to keep working with WOOHP out of their own free will. They liked the pay we gave them," Jerry says, going to his desk. "They also contributed towards the Spy Gene project."

"They gave up their DNA!" Batman hollers, nearly popping a blood vessel.

"Oh yes, in fact, I can show you the lab if you want to see more of their results," Jerry says, walking to the right corner of his office and pressing a button. "Follow me."

As the Justice League walks through WOOHP's halls, they see ancient artifacts, transformed humans, and other people who need advanced medical help.

"Wow, you guys sure treat people for a lot of stuff," Zatara comments, looking at a humanoid figure with elephant ears.

"Yes, we treat everything you could possibly imagine. In fact, you'll see that when you walk straight through this door to the lab," Jerry says, opening the door and letting the Justice League walk through it.

"This doesn't really look like a lab," Green Lantern states, looking at the empty floor.

Jerry closes the door and presses the small red button, opening the floor from beneath them.

"Tah-tah, gentlemen!" Jerry exclaims, watching the Justice League go down the WOOHP tunnels to the company garbage can outside. "And I'll be holding onto their X-Powders as well!"

Superman grabs Green Arrow and Batman, lifting them up as he resists the wind. He shoots his lasers at the ceiling and gets hit in the eye as they're reflected by the ceiling.

"Augh!" Superman screams, dropping Green Arrow and Batman.

The heroes fall into the dumpster outside the WOOHP building and throw the trash off of them.

"I really don't like this guy," Superman growls, his eyes glowing red.

"AAAHHH!!! THERE'S A WAVE OF ROACHES ON THE STREET!!" Green Arrow shrieks, noticing the sidewalk is moving.


"Artemis, I'm sure everything will be fiIIIINNNEE!" M'gann screams, falling into the WOOHP tunnel with Sam, Clover, and Alex.

"Good afternoon, spies. There have been great seismic disturbances within the Metropolis and Gotham area. Alongside every earthquake, a wave of pests from the sewers come out, such as rodents, roaches, other bugs, and the occasional croc or gator. But recently, a pungent green liquid and gas has been coming out of sewers, leaving neighborhoods and streets abandoned as everyone is trapped inside due to the smell," Jerry explains, showing the spies pictures of the disgusting chaos.

"Jerry, are you sure we need to do this? Maybe Metropolis and Gotham just need a new sanitation department?" Clover asks, feeling queasy as she looks at the pictures.

"Sorry, spies, This mission is very much needed," Jerry sighs, looking at Clover's pale face. "By the way, your guardians dropped off your X-Powders, M'gann, and Artemis."

"Oh, thanks. Sorry if they got a bit...rowdy. They didn't know we were working with you after the perfume incident," M'gann explains, taking her X-Powder and transforming into her spy suit.

"No worries. It's happened enough times we have protocols for it. Now then, for today's gadgets, we have the Teddy Bear Gas Mask, Ultra Sanitary Latex Gloves, the Sparkly Clean Air Spray, and the Fire Bomb Pearls," Jerry responds, flipping his desk and showing the spies their gadgets.

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