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"oh. hey Alex" i say as i look at him standing in front of me, "hey newbie" he says as he smiles at me "can i help you with anything?" i ask him as he walks towards me which caused me to back away a little, "everyone is at the party" he says, i look at him confused, "and?" i ask him, "we can hang out without anyone bothering us" he states, i look at him and think for a few moments then i say, "i suppose so but i was thinking on chatting to a few of the people at the party" i say honestly, i now see Alex's expression turn more angrier, which reminded me of what newt told me and Minho as they both warned me about his anger, "like who?" he asked me still walking towards me, "just a few people there" i say as now i am starting to panic as no names are coming to my head.

then i feel a hand grab my neck, Alex's cold hand is not tight around me neck as he pushes me against a wall, i cant shout for help, i cant even breathe, but i can feel alex breath on my neck as he starts to whisper something, i am too scared as i start to get a flashback of someone in a while lab coat does the same to me, they only difference was i could her what the man in the lab coat was saying eh was whispering in my ear "yn you silly girl, you knew i would win, i am sending you there with them", then i get another flashback of come sort of code on a screen, it was a sequence u could barely understand it then I see myself in a strange high tech bathroom and i was holding a rusty knife on my wrist, then i slowly move it to my ribs and i started to carve something into my side as i could feel my warm blood running down, then i was brought back to the present, i was chocking, Alex's hand on my neck squeezing the life out of me, i feel faint as i could feel my legs starting to give way.

"get the hell out of her!" someone screamed as they tackled Alex which caused me to sink to the ground, trying to regain my breath as i look over to where Alex and that boy was, it was Minho, he was on top of Alex and he was punching him, "don't you dare touch her again!" he shouts, as a few people form the bonfire run towards the shouting and see Minho beating Alex, "get the hell off of him" Gally shouts as him and a few others restrain Minho, Ben, Minho's best friend ran to Minho trying to calm him down and pushing him away from Alex, "calm down what the shuck is wrong with you?" ben asks but Minho seeing his friend look at him annoyed and sighs as he gives up trying to beat Alex, "what the hell is going on here?" newt shouts surprised as he pushes past the crowed, "newbie?" i hear chuck say as he looks as me but i still stare off into space looking at the ground ignoring chuck and everyone in front of me, this causes everyone to go silent, as Minho stops staring daggers at Alex, as they all look at me, Alby then pushed through, "right clint take Alex to the med-bey, you lot" Alby says as he looks at Alex "the rest of you take Minho to the pit and gally come back to the map room" Gally nods as the others take him to the pit, "everyone the party is over go to bed apart from the keepers there is a meeting on go to the map room" Alby announces, most of the crow starts to leave but some stay for a little longer, "come on you heard the man get a bloody move on" newt says as he gestures for them to leave.

Alby crouches down beside me, and puts his hand on my shoulder, "newbie are you ok?" all i was able to mutter was "yn", Alby looks over at newt with concern as everyone will know that since her name took a few days to return it would only be triggered by a key memory, "come one yn" Alby says as he helps me up and walks to the map room with some others, newt walks beside me and puts his arm around my shoulders trying to comfort me without saying a single word as we head to the map room.

once we get there, Gally was waiting for us, newt pulls out a chair for me to sit on, a few keepers sat down others remained standing, "what the hell happened?" Newt asked everyone hoping someone would answer, "Ben said to us that minho saw Alex grabbing the newbie" Gally answered, the others looked at me, i just look at the floor avoiding everyone gaze, "i think he should be sent to the maze" newt breaks the silence as he never liked Alex in the first place, all the looks are now on newt, "isn't that a bit far?" Winston responds, "we don't even know if Alex has really done something" Gally says as peoples attention is now averted to him as he continues, "i mean Minho could of read the situations wrong as yn isn't defending herself and she isn't even telling us what happened", Newt then bangs his hands on the table clearly annoyed at gally accusation, "look at her" he says while pointing at me "she is in bloody shock" this made everyone silent as they all looked at me.

Alby who had remained silent so far then says to me, "do you want Alex to be sent to the maze?" i look up at him, he was the first person i made eye contact with, "i want him away from me" i mutter, the others looked at each other as Alby continued to look at me as he sighed and stood up and walked away a little as gally crouches down to be at eye level to me and whispered in a tone as if he didn't trust me, "then why the hell didn't you scream?" he questions me in an annoyed tone, "i couldn't breath, his hand was on my throat" i eventually say avoiding eye contact, Gally looks at me a little surprised as he look around making eye contact with a few other keepers but yet he still had no sympathy

as i assume him and Alex were friends as Gally stands up and is about to walk away when i say, "how long have i been here?" as my voice breaks a little as I say this, Gally turns back around and says confused, "what a few days maybe a week, why?" "and he did that to me" i say as my voice shakes a little, "what if Minho didn't come.." i add, "what if there were other girls and it happens again" i continue with some tears forming in my eyes, the room became silent, and the tension rose, after a minute or two, Alby speaks up again, "we will sleep on it, but gally get Alex from the med-bey and put him in the pit" Gally looks like he is going to argue back but he is met with a stern stare from alby as Gally puts his head down and leaves to get Alex, "the rest of you can leave, meet here again tomorrow morning" he says then he turns to me, "you can come with me and newt to get Minho" i nod and follow them as he head to the pit .

once we arrive, newt opens the door and Minho exists, and he looks at me, i run over to him and i wrap my arms around him as his arms wrap around my back as i bury my face into his chest letting out a few tears that were built up inside me as he moves an arm to stroke my hair, Alby and newt smile a little at each other as they turn and head to their cabin, and he whispered into my ear, "are you ok?" all i could do is nod as I feel a soft kiss on my head, then i feel Minho stop moving then he placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me behind him, as i stand behind him i look to see what happened then i see Alex walking past him into the pit as he gives Minho a dirty look with his swollen face, as Minho was standing in between me and Alex as he shoved put in the pit.

"come on lets leave" Minho says to me as he walks me to the sleeping area, i get to my hammock and i sit on it as i look around and see everyone is sleeping, "what's happening with Alex?" Minho asks me, i look up at him and say "Alby is deciding tomorrow, thank you Minho", Minho looks down at me and then moves down so are faces are slightly closer as he moves some hair out of my face, "i will do everything in my power to make sure no one ever touches you like that again i promise" i look at him and i offer him a weak smile, "get to sleep" he says softly as he holds my shoulder then walks to his hammock and falls asleep, i toss and turn remembering my flashback then i pull up my shirt to see what is on it, there is a small faint scar my hand brushes over it as I figure out it reads "A7" i put my shirt over it and continue to toss and turn until i eventually fall asleep.

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