⋆.ೃ࿔ 𝐒ɦαᑯⱺω 𝐏ᥣα𝗒┊ 003

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It was a cold, cloudy day

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It was a cold, cloudy day. A week has passed since the incident with you and your master. He'd never lashed out at you like that, whatever contents the letter had written had something on it to get Qiang Shen so angry. Ever since then, you hadn't spoken a word to him, neither has he.

You were walking back to the shack with the buckets of water weighing down on your shoulders. You've gotten used to the pain due to years of being sore and being drained after carrying the buckets from when you were younger. Now, being 19, you could carry the buckets with ease, especially now that you are a master at fighting.

You dragged your feet against the dirt trail that led you to the familiar shack you'd been living in ever since you were 6 (presumably). Thoughts of the night from a week ago plagued your every thought. You couldn't get your master's words to stop replaying like a broken record in your brain.

You saw the shack up ahead and signed disappointedly. You didn't want to deal with the awkward tension between you and your Master. You shuffled your feet to try and slow down your pace to be away from the shack as long as possible.

As you got closer to the shack, you noticed that it was... different. Something wasn't right. No, no, the shack looked the same. Its appearance stayed the same, it just felt...odd. You felt your gut twist in pain and anxiety. You felt your knees beginning to buckle from being so shaky.

You weren't scared to go back to the shack. You were scared of the odd feeling you felt in your veins. Your brain was telling you to run, but your heart was pulling you towards the house. You follow your instincts, your heart.

As you got closer to the shack you saw something on the ground, what was it? You picked up your pace to get a closer look. As you got closer, you were able to get more of a clear view of whatever was on the ground in front of the shack.

Then, you saw it. You threw the buckets of water off your shoulders. The cold water splashed all over the ground and on you, but you didn't care. You ran over to the thing on the ground. You didn't have control over your legs anymore, you couldn't feel anything anymore. It felt like you were watching yourself outside of your own body.

"Qiang Shen!" You cried out, rushing over to the bloody Qiang Shen on the ground. You kneeled on the ground and trashed his body, "Qiang Shen, Qiang Shen!" You repeated as fat blobs of tears rolled down your cheek. You sat him up in your arms, his body was warm still.

You felt relief rush through your veins once you felt his body warmth in your arms. You saw as his chest slowly went up and down, he was still breathing.

"M/n..." He mumbled exhaustedly. He slowly raised his hand which you gladly took into your own.

"Please... please don't go! You–You can't leave me– You can't!" You pleaded.

-ˋˏ [𝘽𝙚𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙙] ˎˊ ~ 𝙇𝙈𝙆 𝙭 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now