Chapter 2 my new family

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Now we’re in California and our tiny group began to increase. They are not human like me and Alec and they have power. They all know who I really am, at first their scared like Alec but who can blame them right? I kill creatures like them but eventually they open up and now they are my new family. Almost all of them had seen my true form, only the children didn’t see it because I know in myself it’s super scary even the elders are scared just the look of it. Now with a number of 23 I had decided that traveling is a little hard for us now coz were a big group. I have decided that this will be our permanent residence. No one rule in this place and creatures live free in here but I know the truth. Some other creatures are at war and some in this place are being a war place.

Because I was the so called leader and they contribute money to buy this big house, no it’s not a house it’s a mansion and our land is huge. The mansion is beside the forest so the werewolves and vampires can run free.

The mansion has rooms for all of us and we still have plenty of vacant rooms for guest, in case our family gets bigger.  We also have a library, play room and children’s room. They give me an office and the biggest room because they told me that I was the leader and I have so many things so here I am now using my powers to unpack. Yap it’s another power of mine. I control things with my mind and thanks for this cause I have many things to unpack.  After an hour of unpacking 3 huge baggages full of clothes and accessories that I put on my walk-in closet, I also unpacked my personal stuff and I’m done now. We just decided to order food because we’re all tired from our travel and after eating each of us decided to call a day, some choose to sleep and some choose to play in the play room.

Tomorrow I will be fixing my office but for now I decided to explore my room. It’s so plain but I will be redecorating tomorrow. I will paint my wall white so my artistic side can paint on it and I’ll buy some things. My bathroom has cream colored wall and a white floor with huge mirrors. My vanity is big and I have my own bathtub yes! After seeing my whole room I decided to find Alec and there he is in the play room, playing xbox with Marc, Karl and Michael who is at the same age like us. Mark and Michael are also angels like me. I sat beside Alec to try and watch but I can’t understand it hahaha so I decided to fly outside because my wings are starting to feel numb

Me: Hey M&M(Mark & Michael)  I want to fly. Want to come?

M&M: of course

Alec: What?! No! It’s already dark outside.

Me: hey it’s not that dark and it’s just past 6.

Alec: no I won’t let you to fly now, I don’t care about the time. It’s dark period.

Me: pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?

with my puppy dog eyes to add effect now I know he’ll agree. I’m oh so naughty hahaha

Karl: hahaha c’mon Alec let them fly. I can feel that they really need it. Their wings feel numb. Right Angel?

Yap Karl’s power is to feel what others feel. And they still call me Angel. Only the packs and covenants I help call me Shinu but they don’t remember my face because I erased it from their memory. And I don’t like my family calling me from my assassin name.

Me, Michael and Mark: yes!

Alec: Fine but me and Karl are coming with you. I want to shift and maybe later you can shift too and let’s race? what you say?

Me: what? We still don’t know the forest. Well hmmm I know! I can carry you when I fly so we can see it from the upper view. You okay with that?

Alec: what the? I’m flying with you again? But what about Karl?

Michael: I’ll carry him!                                            Karl: okay it’s fine with me

Mark: then it’s all set let’s go now. Want to race up to the backyard?

Alec: hey you already know that Angel is the fastest right?                 Mark: ah shit. Well she’s not gonna race with us it’s only the three of us. She can be the judge in the end cause I know she’s gonna be the first one.

Me: fine. Let’s start this race. 3..2..1.. go!                                      As predicted by Mark I was the first because of my super speed. The first one to arrive was Alec, nice one to my best friend. Then Followed by Karl then Michael and the last was Mark. Hahaha same old Mark, he always want to race but he always ending up the loser. When we’re all ready I started to back up because my wings are bigger and deadlier that Mark and Michael. I let Alec rip the back part of my shirt for my wings then I let him go in front of me so my wings will not hurt him. When I saw all of them in front of me and I can’t sense anyone behind me. I slowly spread my wings and I feel so relieved. I really love my wings because it’s so unique like me. My wings are bigger than a full grown angel and my wings are black with red and white shades in the feather but my feathers are the part I’m really concerned about. My feathers are sharper than a knife, I don’t know why but it can be an advantage to me while fighting but I always worry when people want to touch them. Some of my family know this but some don’t so I let Alec tell them that they can’t touch my wings because it will hurt them.

Now we’re all set for flying I removed all our scents and I put an invisible barrier to us so no one can see and sense us. I was in front when flying because of my advance eyesight. While flying I saw a lake not so far from the mansion and we still own this lot so it’s fine for us to stop here. I landed smoothly beside the beautiful lake and the rest soon follow. We rest for a while then Alec and Karl shifted to their wolves. I’ve seen their wolves and Alec’s wolf is really big while Karl is smaller than Alec but bigger than a normal wolf shifter. Alec licks my cheeks and it always makes me laugh. I brush his smooth light brown fur and he lay down.

Alec: hey Angel. Shift now. Let’s race. I still remember our way back.

Alec says it inside my head. Yes our family can communicate in our heads. I make it so everyone can talk to anyone who’s far. It’s one of my powers and I can also see auras. Auras don’t lie so I can see someone’s true feeling.

Me: sure. Hey M&M Alec and me are going to race in our wolf forms from here to the mansion so one of you will carry Karl again because I know he don’t want to race with me and watch us from the air okay? And don’t worry no one can still smell our scents so enjoy your fly okay?

With that I change to my wolf form. Yes MY wolf form. I’m angel-vampire-wolf-demon hybrid remember. I first shifted on the night of my 16th birthday and it hurts like hell. Yes I’m also a vampire but I don’t live with blood only, yes I still need to drink blood but I only drink a liter of blood per month but I don’t let myself starve because I can hurt my family or any one so I take all the precautionary. My wolf form is bigger than Alec. My wolf is Black with red highlights like my hair and my eyes get a darker shade of blue but when I’m an angry wolf it turns to the darkest black.

Me: let’s do this Alec                                   we are now communicating in our heads

Alec: okay! M&M and Karl see you at home and please start counting so we can start this

Karl: c’mon Alec you’ll just gonna eat the dust behind Angel. We already know that!

Mark: that’s right men!        Michael: Hahaha no one can beat Angel in any race

Alec: I’ll still try men. So count and be careful on flying

M&M&Karl: 3…2…1… GO!!!!!!!!

Alec and me started running on four paws. At first I only jog letting Alec have a minute of advantage then I started running. I already caught up on him within seconds and I left him there while laughing in my head. I soon arrived at our new backyard and the 3 stooges are already there so they first saw me. I already shifted on my human form and I am not naked, the werewolves in my family still have their clothes when we shift back. It’s still a mystery to us because other werewolves ripped their dress when they shift to their wolf form but we don’t care anymore maybe it’s a gift or blessing to us hahaha I don’t know. After a minute or two Alec arrived panting then we all laughed  at him and after some rest we go our separate floors, corridors and rooms but Alec stay with me because his room is beside my room, I don’t know why and I don’t care hahaha. We say our good nights then went to sleep.

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